This is what changes in LoL Patch 13.18!


Some of the changes were to be expected. But Riot has surprised us with others!

Many things have been adjusted to give the meta a little push in the right direction with a view to the Worlds and to bring champions that are too strong, such as Tryndamere, to a normal level.

While we’re looking forward to the changes, the highlight of the patch will surely be the new LoL champion Briar as a bloodthirsty jungler 

Expected nerfs and surprising changes

The nerfs to Jarvan IV.Tryndamere or Red Kayn were bitterly needed. However, we expect rather small adjustments, as Riot does not want to make any big experiments so close to the Worlds.

A surprising guest in the Patch Notes is the item Stormrazor, which has played a big role in few builds so far. In order to bring more variation into the (first) item choice of ADC’s, it is now to be buffed.

Just like the item, the customisation for Gwen in Jungle

 (affectionately Gwungle called) a surprise to our eyes. Gwen is less known for her role as gromp butcher and raptor hairdresser than as an extremely strong top laner

 with high outplay potential. What exactly is planned remains to be seen.

In addition to the gameplay tweaks, new ability icons will be added for many champions, including ZedVarus and Lee Sin

The patch notes for League of Legends 13.18!

The following new features await us:

Champion changes:


  • Maximum bell increases of the Passive: 5 to 10
  • Duration of bell rises of the passive: 7 seconds to 20 seconds
  • Shrine Increases: Shrine of the Protector now accumulates charges over time, up to a maximum of two charges.
  • Down time per stack: 14 seconds to 18 seconds.
  • Shrine recharge time to full heal: 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Shrine run speed bonus: 30%, drops to 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% (+0.05% AP) over 1.5 seconds, drops over 1.5 seconds



  • Less Cooldown on her Ultimate from 140/120/100 seconds to 125/105/85 seconds


  • Life increase from 109 to 115
  • Passive now causes 10 (+15% AP) Magic Damage to monsters instead of 6 (+10% AP)


  • Cost of E reduced to 80 energy on all ranks.
  • Down time of Ultimate to 120/100/80 seconds


  • Passive no longer reduces critical hit damage by 8.5%.
  • Enemies held with the W will be assigned a passive stack


  • Thresh W-shield scales from now on 50/70/90/110/130  (+2 per soul) instead of 50/70/90/110/130 (+1.5 per soul)


Jarvan IV

  • Additional normal damage of passives on normal attacks reduced from 8% of target’s current life to 6% of target’s current life

Rhaast/Red Kayn

  • Rhaast – Heal from 20-30% (level dependent) of normal damage dealt to champions to 25% of normal damage dealt to champions.
  • The Ultimate of Red Kayn now deals 15% (+13% per 100 additional attack damage) of the target’s max. Target’s life now 15% (+10 % per 100 additional attack damage) of target’s max life


  • Additional running speed of Rell’s W (away from opponents): 15/17.5/20/22.5/25 % to 12/14/16/18/20 %.
  • Additional running speed from Rells W (towards opponents): 30/35/40/45/50% to 24/28/32/36/40 %


  • Life increase from 115 to 108
  • Basic Attack Damage from 68 to 66


  • Base value for life from 660 to 630
  • Life increase from 102 to 107
  • Decay time of E from 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds

Item buffs:


  • attack damage from 50 to 55

Item Nerfs:

Spear of Shojin

  • Attack damage from 60 to 55

Item adjustments:

Crown of the shattered Queen

  • Skill Strength from 70 to 85
  • Protection: 75% damage reduction for 1.5 seconds to 40% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds
  • No longer grants 10-40 ability power while shield is active

Statikks Shiv

  • Attack damage from 45 to 50
  • Vascular damage from “Electric Shock” from 250-350 to 200

In addition to the changes, we can also expect the new Skin series “Street Demons”. The following champions can enjoy a new look:

  • Briar
  • Brand
  • Rengar
  • Neeko
  • Zyra
  • Dr. Mundo