Ultimate Spellbook – How the new game mode works


In the new LoL game mode “Ultimate Spellbook”, players will soon be able to try out their favourite Ultimate combinations.

The product manager for game modes at Riot Games, HBBONG, shared detailed info on Reddit about the new game mode, which is already playable on the League of Legends test server (PBE).

In the new game mode “Ultimate Spellbook” in League of Legends, you can let your imagination run wild and choose an additional Ultimate from a random pool that you have always wanted to try on your favourite champ. Ultis from a total of almost 50 champs can be selected. At the beginning of a match, however, you can only choose from three randomly selected Ultis.

The Ultimate that you have chosen in addition to your own kit is in the position of the second Summoner Spell, which is normally assigned to your D or F button. Accordingly, you have to do without one of the spells.

You will not be able to change this ability and assignment throughout the game. However, you can use it before you reach level 6. You don’t have to worry about levelling up the ability – it does that at the same time as your original Ulti.

Ulti visible to others

As both Summoner Spells are visible in normal play, you will also see which second Ulti your teammates and opponents have chosen in Ultimate Spellbook. The cooldown should also be comprehensible with an icon above the respective champions. The speed of the game progression (gold income, levelling, XP) is to have the same progression as it is already handled in the game mode One for All.

Riot has not yet announced when Ultimate Spellbook will also be available on the normal servers. After an extensive test phase, however, players should certainly be able to enjoy the mode soon.