Update: LoL Preseason 2022 – New items for certain classes

Update LoL Preseason 2022


League of Legends Season 11 is still in full swing. But Riot Games has already announced concrete plans for the upcoming preseason. Among them are many plans for new items.

In addition to the already known changes for the next LoL Season, Riot Games announced more details about Preseason 2022 on Thursday. Probably the most important information concerns the expansion and customisation of the dragons. In the official statement video, League of Legends lead producer Jeremy Lee presents the two new dragons.

After defeat, the Hextech Dragon provides a buff to attack speed and ability haste for all allies on the team.  Claiming the soul grants players:inside a chain slow on attacks, similar to the former Statikk Shiv item. Hextech gates will also appear throughout the map to allow players to teleport across the map.

The second new objective, the Chemtech Dragon will increase the team’s damage when allies’ health is low. The Dragon Soul puts the team in a state very similar to Sion’s passive ability. Team members can be revived in this mode and continue fighting. Several camouflage zones are created on the map by the dragon.

The dragon adjustments in particular should make the mid- and lategame even more strategically interesting. The preseason updates are supposed to come to the PBE server in the course of the coming weeks and then be tested publicly for the first time.

Original article from 27 September:

In an update from Riot Gamesthe developer presents more concrete plans for the upcoming LoL preseason. Among them are some exciting additions to the item system.


Mage items

A new mythic item is designed to help Mages who want to land their abilities from a distant point on their opponent. This should especially help those champions who can be killed easily and quickly when wandering across the map. With the new item, they should be able to reduce the damage of a first attack for a short time.

The second upcoming item will be a legendary item. The magic penetration of the item is supposed to be particularly effective against enemies who have only little life left and have just received a shield. Especially burst mages should benefit from it.

Kassadin as a Burst-Mage, for example, could benefit from the new legendary item.
Kassadin as a Burst-Mage, for example, could benefit from the new legendary item.



Currently, there is little choice for tank supporters when it comes to the starting item – including exclusively defensive ones. With a new mythic item, an offensive alternative is to be available that will allow the player to “charge into the middle of the enemy team and wreak havoc”. This item is supposed to be comparable to the Abyssal Mask, which will be slightly modified because of this. A new legendary item is also supposed to solve the mana problems of Mage tanks.

New Assassin Item
Assassins, who are already known for their burst damage, will soon have it easier, too. A new legendary item is supposed to shorten the cooldowns of Ultis if the end of the game was involved in the kill of a recently dead enemy.

Original article from 08/13/21:

League of Legends is constantly evolving to meet the needs of players. Most recently, Riot Games released a preview of the changes that will be implemented in Preseason for 2022.

From an overhaul of the title’s game-changing dragons to the introduction of the new challenge system and associated progression identity, there’s a lot to look forward to in the Preseason update for Season 12.


Dragon Overhaul

While Riot notes that the changes to the dragons in Season 11 “successfully serve to make each game even more distinctive,” they add that they can “further expand the unique environments that await you in the Summoner’s Rift.”

In doing so, they speak of goals they are pursuing with the changes, but which need to be further analysed. Among others, the following are to come:

  • New terrain features that make for unique games and affect the game depending on map changes.
  • Expanding the possibilities of the Dragon’s powers and how they affect the champions in the Rift.

But we can look forward to more updates and new features here.


Mythical and Legendary Items

Season 11 saw the introduction of mythical and legendary items to provide players with a variety of strategic itemisation options. While this has been a great success, Riot “takes seriously the feedback that in tense situations, not every item can or should be considered separately.”

Noting that “certain legendary items should be perfect for a few champions, rather than just fine for most,” we can expect 2022:

  • More mythic options for supports.
  • Improved legendary item options for mages, assassins and tanks.



Good runes can make or break a game, and Riot has thought about how to balance some of the game’s more lacklustre rune sets. This is to happen through:

  • a revised inspiration tree
  • adjustment of the balance for the runes


Target bounties

Have you ever been in a game and lost all hope because one of your laners feeds? The developers want to make a comeback via “target bounties”.

Riot Games talks about giving the team behind more options to get back into the game. They also explain that they “do not diminish the influence of playing skill “. If one dominates a lane and thereby gains an unassailable lead, this should not be nullified, says the publisher.

And for those who are now worried about having to play hour-and-a-half-long games: Riot will be watching to see if the new bounties affect play times and will respond accordingly.

Challenge system

As part of the 2022 pre-season, the challenge system is to be implemented, which will include “a wide range of League acts . No matter your style of play, there will be a goal that you can pursue on an individual basis.”

“The challenges give you the chance to show in detail what kind of player you are,” explains Riot. The aim behind this is to introduce challenges:

  • Players can track their overall skill and understanding in LoL
  • Players can visualize and compare a variety of achievements in the league
  • Players have many different types of challenges and achievements they can track and achieve

In addition, completing challenges gives players goodies such as titles, tokens and a tiered crystal system that allows them to show how dedicated they are to destroying the enemy Nexus.