Without Jinx and Zeri – LoL Patch 12.5b shakes up meta

LoL Patch 12!

Champions like Samira are stronger and more successful in the higher LoL ranks. Zeri and Jinx, on the other hand, have been weakened by the update.

League of Legends is changing. With the addition of LoL Patch 12.5b last week, once popular champions have fallen out of favour. The meta has changed, especially on the bottom lane.

The patch has had a negative impact on the recently popular champions Jinx and Zeri. According to the analysis site League of Graphs, the latter loses 3.5 per cent of the win rate on rank platinum and higher, dropping to 47.2 per cent. Since its release in January, Zeri had held a dominant role as AD Carry (ADC), but was gradually generated due to its high damage potential and high win rate (almost 60 per cent). The latest update, which again worsened a large part of the stats, has thus clearly put Zhaun’s spark behind.

Samira, here in her Psyops variant, rises again in the list of successful ADC.
Samira, here in her Psyops variant, rises again in the list of successful ADC.

On the other hand, Samira is being played much more successfully. Her win rate increased from 47.7 percent to 50.5 percent within the past week. The desert rose had not reached these values for months. As with Zeri, Samira was generated in numerous patches because she was simply OP at the time of her release. But with the latest update, she has become much more resilient with increased HP and Armor, making ADC less of a casualty and allowing her to impress with her usual offensive power.

In addition to Samira, Ashe and Lucian also have a win rate increase of 2.8 percent and thus even climb above the 51 mark. Thus, patch 12.5b temporarily symbolises a changing of the guard in the AD Carries. Riot Games will continue to observe the development of the popularity distribution on the bot lane and react if necessary. However, there are still two weeks until the upcoming update: Patch 1.6 in League of Legends is due on 30 March.