Worlds 2021 – These are the first details about the patches

World Championship in League of Legends

The League of Legends World Championship is coming up and this year there will be two new patches for the game.

Unlike previous years, the Worlds will be played on two different patches this year. Patches 11.18 and 11.19 are not expected to bring extreme changes to the meta this time around, so Pro-Play and Solo Queue will not be too different from Worlds conditions.

Strong champions like Leona and Viego take a back seat

Riot Games stated that especially strong champions from the regular season like Gnar or Viego could take a back seat. Especially champions who have been played very little in Pro-Play could receive some buffs for this. Lead Game Designer Jeevun Sidhu released details via Twitter that Lillia and Draven could already be in the revamp for the World Cup.

Two Patches – Worlds A and B

Patch 11.18 is being traded under the name “Worlds A” and is intended to be a kind of trial run for the first half of the Worlds. Players will thus be given time to familiarise themselves with the changes before further adjustments are made with patch 11.19 (Worlds B).
Overall, Worlds A is supposed to bring significantly more experimental buffs and nerfs. Exactly what these look like will be published on 9 September.