Lost Ark: New bug ruins your gaming fun, this is what you can do




Many players report a bug that disables the mouse pointer. There is no patch yet, but the community has come up with some solutions.

With the May update, Smilegate brought Lost Ark players a lot of new content, such as the Legion raid Valtan, as well as more activities and a new class. However, a nasty bug crept in with the update, which can cause you big problems, especially in raids and dungeons. You can find out what this bug is and what solutions are already available here.

If you haven’t heard anything about the May update yet, we’ll introduce you to all the new content in detail in our article:

Lost Ark: The big May update brings new raid, class and much more (GUIDE)


This can happen to you since the update

On (Reddit) and in the official (Lost Ark forums) players report that when moving or clicking on an item, it gets stuck on the mouse pointer. Once an item is stuck, it is usually impossible to select other items with the mouse, move around, or interact with the game in any other way using the mouse pointer.

In some comments it is reported that after that it was only possible to quit the game with the key combination Alt + F4. A video from Reddit shows us what the bug looks like:

The bug must be particularly painful if you are fighting a boss battle, as in the video, and suddenly become a useless spectator. Fortunately, there are already a few tricks that can help you out.


How to solve the problem

While we can’t guarantee that the listed solutions from the Reddit-Thread will help all players, they seem to make the bug disappear in at least some cases.

  • Change area or enter fortress: To get rid of the bug, a loading screen often helps, for example when you enter a new area.
  • Switch to another window: Some users also report that switching to another window with the key combination Alt + Tab and switching back to the game fixes the bug.
  • Call character creation menu: Clicking on the menu at the bottom right, navigating to the character creation screen and switching back to your character from there is said to fix the bug in some cases. This solution is also supposed to work within a raid.
  • Call Auction House: Calling the auction house followed by clicking Register has also helped in some cases. To do this, however, you need to visit an NPC or, if you have a crystalline aura, you can use the companion menu.

If these simple tricks don’t help, the only thing left to do is to log out of the game or restart it completely If you want to be sure and don’t want to suddenly find yourself without a mouse pointer in a raid, you should wait for a hotfix or patch that fixes the problem

Have you experienced this bug as well or have you been spared so far? Have you discovered another solution? Feel free to write us in the comments!