Minecraft baffles fans and theories range from funny to spectacular


What’s behind the picture with three question marks and a mysterious shape? We collect fan theories about the reveal

” “ is the message that Minecraft has just sent to its community. The official X account (formerly Twitter) has published a mysterious image that seems to announce an upcoming reveal. But what does it show? There are different fan theories about this:

The post that leaves us puzzled

This is what the picture looks like, which still shows the black shape of a lettering behind the three question marks:

Almost everyone on X, Reddit and co. agrees on the upper part: It says Minecraft (you can see the side of the M and the T, the whole thing is viewed from below). So far, so unsurprising, of course the reveal has something to do with the sandbox

The second, lower part of the lettering is exciting. It’s guaranteed to tell you what kind of new feature or update it is. We have collected a few of the fan speculations:

Coming Minecraft Update 1.21? The next big update has already been announced, but has no fixed release date yet. Reddit user CountScarlioni collects over 2,000 upvotes with his guess, so it seems to be quite a popular theory. Maybe we’ll find out soon when 1.21 will be released?

Trials and Tinkering? Copper and Combat? Reddit user Jame_spect speculates on a new update title, as does X-user Tha Carter 712 The size and shape of the bottom line would match previous update logos, but no words have been found so far. Maybe it will be the April Fool’s potatoes?

Caves and Cliffs 3? Two updates have already been made to Minecraft’s cave systems, but for many fans there is still room for improvement. Caves and Cliffs Part 3 would be another theoretical possibility that some in the comments dare to hope for.

Scherzkekse: Of course, there are also comments that loudly trumpet hope for an official erotic update on the Internet. The whole thing is fueled by an image montage of the official Opera-GX account:

We probably don’t need to tell you explicitly what the chances are, do we?

It probably won’t be long before Minecraft officially solves the mystery. We expect it to happen sometime on April 25 or by the weekend at the latest. And of course we’ll let you know if it’s anything exciting!

Now it’s your turn: What do you recognize in the Minecraft puzzle picture? Do you have secret superpowers and can you predict what’s in the second line based on the length in pixels? Do you have a theory of your own, no matter how crazy? Write it in the comments below the article, we’re curious!