Minecraft breaks a record on YouTube that no game has ever achieved


An almost unbelievable number: all video views for Minecraft together now amount to over one trillion.

Minecraft breaks a memorable record: It is the first game ever to reach a total of one trillion views on YouTube. That’s 1000 billion or one million million, written out 1,000,000,000,000! An almost unbelievable number for an extraordinary game.

Fittingly, YouTube released its own (website) dedicated to the data behind the stellar success. One particularly interesting fact that emerges from it: Minecraft keeps growing! After taking around eight years to reach 500 billion views, it only took YouTubers around two years to crack the one trillion threshold.

No miracle, but remarkable

No wonder but remarkable

Few gamers will be surprised that the block sandbox, of all things, is the first to reach this milestone. Minecraft is the most successful video game of all time and has sold around 238 million copies over the years. Almost a quarter of a billion owners, in other words, of whom, together with Game Pass subscribers, around 140 million actively play every month.

Minecraft not only defined and shaped the popular survival genre, it also brought a whole generation of younger players to the PC and consoles. And they are known to love watching funny videos about their favourite games.

Minecraft, along with Fortnite, is one of the most popular games among children and young people. And even progressive teachers found ways early on to get their offspring excited about teaching with Minecraft.

Knowing that interest in gaming has literally exploded in recent years, a trillion Minecraft views are no real surprise. But they are certainly remarkable. And also remarkable is the fact that even 12 years after its release, Minecraft is still evolving.

Wide range of content

A graphic from YouTube shows how Minecraft content has been composed and changed over the years. According to this, animation and creative videos in particular have developed more and more over time. But role-playing and survival gameplay also play an important role.

The graphic shows which topics Minecraft videos have dealt with over the years.
The graphic shows which topics Minecraft videos have dealt with over the years.

YouTubers always stand out for their creative ideas. Most recently, for example, a content creator created a (gigantic Oreo biscuit in Minecraft) by investing two weeks of life and tens of thousands of blocks.