Minecraft: New update The Wild announced with focus on exploration

Mine craft Wild Update


Minecraft is far from over: for 2022, Mojang announced the update The Wild with new biomes and features.

Minecraft celebrates its tenth birthday this year and the end of the block game is far from over. During the annual Minecraft Live trade show, developer Mojang announced the next update: The Wild.

For The Wild, the Swedish team is focusing on three pillars: More varied exploration, more adventure and community proximity. We summarise the info on the next update for you

Release: When will The Wild be released?

There is no fixed release date for the update yet. According to the developers, The Wild should be released in the course of 2022. The developers did not yet want to commit to a month or quarter.

What new features are planned for The Wild?

The Wild basically builds on the achievements of Caves & Cliffs. While in the two-part update the world generation of Minecraft is greatly expanded and revised, The Wild focuses on qualitative improvements. The main focus is on more varied exploration.

To achieve this, the team wants to give individual biomes a stronger identity In a birch forest, for example, there will be large trees, more sunlight, denser vegetation and generally a friendlier presentation. In other biomes, however, it will be gloomier and more dangerous, such as in a swamp

At the same time, the underground of Minecraft is to be expanded For this, there is a new biome and a new enemy that ambushes daring explorers. As a reward for exploring, new blocks and boxes with items await you

What new biome is planned?

The big new biome is The Deep Dark in the deep underground of Minecraft. The biome was originally supposed to appear with Caves & Cliffs Part 2, however plans have grown and so it is now part of The Wild.

The Deep Dark encompasses the ruins of a lost civilisation. In the gloomy remains you will find, on the one hand, the new Sculk blocks, including Catalyst and Shrieker. The former spreads the Sculk in the environment, while the Shrieker emit loud sounds and darken the environment within a few seconds. On the other hand, you will find a new enemy in the Deep Dark Biom: the Warden.

The Warden is a new monster in Minecraft that has no eyes at all. Instead, it reacts to vibrations and can smell nearby players. To avoid the dangerous enemy, players must sneak accordingly while exploring the ruins of the new biome. Alternatively, he can be distracted with sounds, such as snowballs.

In addition to the new underground biome, there is a new feature on the surface: mangroves. These are new trees including a new type of wood. In the swamp, entire mangrove swamps can be created with The Wild, where you are surrounded by the huge trees.

New animals: frogs and fireflies

The animal world of Minecraft is already quite extensive, but as we all know, there is always more. With The Wild, frogs are added for the first time, which are even new in two ways

For one thing, frogs are Minecraft’s first cold-blooded creatures and appear in three different versions, which are dependent on the respective biome temperature and will offer special properties. Secondly, frogs develop from tadpoles. Frogs are thus the first animal in Minecraft where the babies are not simply a smaller version of the adult animals.

In addition, frogs feed on fireflies, which are also new. However, you cannot keep frogs or fireflies as pets.


What other innovations have been announced?

In addition to the new biomes and animals, there will be other features that fans of Minecraft have been asking for.

In The Wild, you can equip boats with a crate for the first time. This allows you to transport significantly more items from A to B and you don’t necessarily have to travel several times. This should be especially helpful when exploring new areas.

On the other hand, there will be mud blocks and bricks. This will allow you to create more thematically appropriate houses and buildings in swampy areas, for example. To get mud quickly, you can also combine earth blocks with water

What about Caves and Cliffs?

The update Caves & Cliffs, announced in 2020, was famously split in two due to its size. While part 1 has been available for some time as version 1.17, part 2 with update 1.18 is still in the testing phase.

During Minecraft Live, however, Mojang did not reveal any news regarding a release. The update will definitely be released in 2021. So you won’t have to wait too much longer for the new generation of worlds from Caves & Cliffs.