Minecraft player invests 46,727 blocks and a lot of life time in a gigantic biscuit


Such ideas fuel creativity in the Minecraft community: A player creates what is probably the biggest virtual Oreo biscuit.

Few communities are as known for their crazy ideas as Minecraft’s: One player set himself the goal of building an Oreo biscuit. But not in crumbly original size, but with the circumference of the mother ship from Independence Day! Excuse me?

Why make it easy when you can make it hard
? Since the (Twitch-Streamer) NomALlama obviously loves challenges, the huge construct was not created in relaxed creative mode. Instead, the biscuit lover set his sights on a real survival server!

In addition to everyday survival, the player had to mine and craft without end, after all, he built his biscuit out of sturdy concrete blocks. At least some of his fellow players rushed to his aid and contributed a few blocks.

The result is impressive: The player created his giant biscuit from no less than 46,727 blocks in just 13 days, as he explains in the video. There he presents the amazing result:

With great attention to detail, the YouTuber worked out the typical relief surface and the logo. The dimensions only become really clear when he shows the hollow interior of the Minecraft biscuit. Illuminated with hundreds of torches, the gigantic structure almost looks like a place of worship for biscuit disciples.

I will never do that to myself again

Shortly after, the biscuit exploded. Well, not really, but figuratively. Nomallama’s Reddit post racked up a whopping 30,000 likes! Users are celebrating the YouTuber for his sheer perseverance in recreating the popular biscuit as a giant version in Minecraft.

A redditor next demanded an Oreo with double filling. To which the virtual biscuit baker dryly replied:

My next plan for Oreo builds is none because I will never do that to myself again.

At the same time, Nomallama expressed surprise at how much traction his post had received. Apparently the biscuit was created mainly for fun and as a personal challenge. All the better that other players can also enjoy the achievement.

Minecraft is undoubtedly one of the most influential games of all time, still getting big and important updates even after ten years.

Have you ever built something extraordinary in Minecraft? Feel free to tell us about your personal builds in the comments!