Minecraft pro slaves away for 200 hours for insane record – update turns it into a piece of cake just a week later


Hundreds of hours of work for an impressive achievement and suddenly it’s all for nothing? One streamer tells us how he feels about it

The Minecraft pro SmallAnt wanted to know. He didn’t just play Minecraft, no, he dissected the game mechanics of the block hit down to the smallest detail. His goal: He wanted to achieve all the available achievements in the particularly challenging Skyblock  game mode – simply progress in Minecraft.

He managed to do that – but he’s still annoyed. The culprit is, of all things, an official update to the game. The events took place back in 2022, but SmallAnt has only now published a very amusing and informative video about his Minecraft marathon.

200 hours with only one goal in mind

What is Skyblock? Before we continue SmallAnts’ tragic story, here is a short briefing for Minecraft novices. In the Skyblock game mode, players start from virtually nothing on a tiny little island. The inventory only contains a starting supply for crafting the most important block types; from then on, everything else has to be achieved and crafted somehow with your own creative efforts

SmallAnt has defied all odds. In the video above, he reveals some anecdotes. Among other things, how he accidentally destroyed powder snow blocks that he had previously spent 20 hours farming to make.

He even managed to spawn turtles by finding the beach biome in an unmodified version of his world seed and then placing some sand and water at the same coordinates in the skyblock world.

(Over the course of 200 hours, SmallAnt had to get very creative several times to reach his goal.)
(Over the course of 200 hours, SmallAnt had to get very creative several times to reach his goal.)

“It was all for nothing “

Almost everything I did in Skyblock during those months served only one purpose. Every day I’ve streamed, every structure I’ve created, and every block I’ve dismantled has been working towards it. This adorable amphibious boy: a blue axolotl.

With these words, SmallAnt finally comes to the grand finale. Because to get the very rare blue axolotl, you not only have to be damn lucky (when mating axolotls, the chance of getting a blue specimen is 1:1200), but you also need clay to build a farm.

The clay resource was extremely difficult to obtain in Skyblock mode back then, as of update 1.18. SmallAnt actually had to spend a large part of his 200-hour marathon to have enough clay to build the axolotl mating dwelling in the end.

The blue axolotl actually appeared, the last Achievement was achieved – all’s well that ends well…

..until Minecraft 1.19 was released just a single week later, which made it possible to obtain clay by simply packing some clay over a piece of stalactite.

SmallAnt finds clear words for this in his video: Oh my God, the whole game was for nothing.

Are you Minecraft virtuosos too? If so, we’d love to hear your thoughts! What do you think of the streamer’s mammoth project and could you imagine attempting a similar record yourself? Or do you prefer to build comfortably and stress-free in a normal game? Let us know in the comments!