Minecraft: So far we only know Hogwarts in such detail from the films


For six years, a Minecraft player has been working alone on the wizarding school. Now his round-trip video is wowing fans on Reddit.

The beauty of video games is that we can always dive into different worlds and let our creativity run wild. Didn’t get an invitation to Hogwarts for your eleventh birthday? No problem! You can easily recreate the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for yourself in sandbox games like Minecraft.
That’s probably what (Reddit user ducky_67) thought, too, and now, after many years of work, he’s wowing the internet with a tour video of his mammoth work. We’ve never seen the Wizarding School so detailed and extensive in any other video game!

What can you see in the video?

The better question would probably be: what is there not to see in the video? Because the Minecraft player really seems to have thought of everything. Not only do we see the lands of Hogwarts, the impressive facades, the courtyard of the school and even the fateful Astronomy Tower. 

We also get a glimpse of the Great Hall, classrooms, common rooms, the trust students’ bathroom, the hospital wing – short Air-Hol break – the crazy staircase, the library (including the Forbidden Section), the Quidditch pitch, Hagrid’s hut, and and and … 

(In a comment) below his post, the creator reveals, “The exterior of the castle is based on the version in the 6th movie, but some elements are from the other parts. “

Ah, what are we chewing your ears off for? Just sit back and enjoy the scenic flight yourself:

6 years of work and still no end in sight

The Incredible: Minecraft player and Reddit user ducky_67 has been working on the project all by himself – for over six years. And he is far from finished. As he reveals in the comments to his video, he is already working on other areas that were not yet visible during his tour. These include the Chamber of Secrets, the headmaster’s office and the small train station in Hogsmead, where the students are dropped off by the Hogwarts Express.

Many of the structures that we can see in the video were also built several times because the Minecraft virtuoso was not satisfied with the first results.

He also wants to work on the atmosphere of the whole thing. To achieve this, he wants to experiment with different shaders and textures in order to fill the block world with the right magical atmosphere.

If you want to get a taste of Hogwarts in Minecraft, we have some good news and some bad news for you: Reddit user ducky_67 wants to offer the impressive building for download! But only when it is completely finished. Let’s hope it doesn’t take another six years!

Has the creative spirit got you too? Then take a look at the guide linked above, where we have compiled the best tutorials for building houses. Yes, this is not yet a detailed Hogwarts castle, but everyone starts small!