Minecraft: The 9 Best Alternatives You Can Play in 2022




The success of Minecraft still inspires developers today. We’ve picked out some of the best games that work similarly to the brick classic.

The success of a game that seems so simple at first glance like Minecraft still amazes today. Even in 2022, the sandbox still enjoys a vibrant community and continues to receive major updates.

No wonder, then, that other developers have also been inspired by concepts or features of the popular block worlds. Today, there are a lot of games that are more or less based on the original – and we want to introduce you to some of the best of them.

So if you still like playing Minecraft after all these years, but a little variety wouldn’t hurt, then you’ve come to the right place. Here is also an overview of all the games presented:

  • Minetest
  • Creativerse
  • Portal Knights
  • Eco
  • Space Engineers
  • 7 Days to Die
  • Dragon Quest Builders 2
  • Terraria
  • Core Keeper


The 9 best Minecraft alternatives

We’ve picked out 9 games that offer similar features to Minecraft: They let you freely explore and change a world, often rely on your willingness to experiment and you can also experience them all with friends.

Of course, our list is not exhaustive. If you think there’s another game that should be mentioned, please let us know in the comments.

Minetest – Very close to the original

Minetest is not Minecraft, but it looks and feels like it. You also explore a randomly generated world made up of destructible blocks, mine resources, and construct buildings as you see fit. In 2022, the active community continues to create (Mods) for Minetest, allowing you to customise your gaming experience as you see fit.

Of course, you can’t expect the quality or scope of Minecraft from the free game. But Minetest plays surprisingly well and is always updated.

Where can I get it? You can download Minetest for free from the (official website) of the project. All you have to do is unzip the files after downloading and run the executable in the bin folder to get started. You can find more information (here). The basic game is only meant as a framework that you can upgrade with different game modes and resource packs.


Creativerse is also strongly reminiscent of Minecraft in many aspects. You explore, change and build on an open block world that looks very similar to its predecessor. The block textures merely appear less pixelated and the style of the figures and creatures also differs significantly from Minecraft.

Creativerse also wants to convince with new game mechanics and features. For example, you can move through the world with gliders and jetpacks, equip backpacks and use blueprints for building if you don’t want to get creative yourself. You have around 400 different blocks to choose from when building your structures.

You can also construct machines that mine resources for you. These are supposed to be easier to create and operate than redstone constructions in Minecraft. To collect building materials, you simply use a kind of glove that sucks in the desired blocks.

Where can I get it? You can download Creativerse as a free version at (Steam). However, some content and features are hidden in the so-called Pro version of the game, which is offered for (20 Euros as DLC).


Portal Knights

Portal Knights comes from a developer in Frankfurt and was awarded the German Computer Game Prize in 2017. We tested the game back then, not least because of this, but couldn’t give it too good a rating. You can find out more about the criticisms in our test video above.

Of course, our assessment of Portal Knights doesn’t exactly scream out for a recommendation. But the Steam community sees it differently, with 83 percent positive reviews.

What is it actually? Portal Knight is also set in a world of cubes, but mixes more role-playing and adventure elements into the building and unbuilding. As the eponymous Portal Knight, you must free the world from the Shadow King’s henchmen, alone or with friends. Your warrior belongs to a class and can learn powerful skills.

But of course, building is also a big theme. You can construct huge buildings from many different blocks. There is also a creative mode in which you can build without limits.

Where can I get it? You can also find Portal Knights on (Steam), the game costs 20 Euros there.


Eco also invites you into a fully customisable brick world where you can mine resources, craft food and equipment, and construct buildings. As the name of the game suggests, however, there is another aspect in the foreground here.

Eco wants to be a complex environmental simulation: All your actions, such as mining resources and operating factories, affect the ecosystem of your world. You can analyse your environmental impact and adjust your treatment of the planet accordingly. The ultimate goal is to develop a civilisation that can stop an asteroid but at the same time not destabilise the ecosystem.

This all sounds enormously ambitious, but it already seems to work quite well. On Steam, the game has 82 percent positive ratings. Eco can be played alone or with friends.

Where can I get the? You can buy Eco for 25 euros on (Steam). The game has been in Early Access for about four years now after a successful Kickstarter campaign, but continues to receive updates.


Space Engineers

Space Engineers moves the open sandbox into space and lets you explore moons and planets. The worlds are also completely destructible and you can construct not only planetary outposts and space stations but also functioning spaceships. Space Engineers also has a physics engine. If your spaceship hits an asteroid, for example, it can be damaged.

If you take the trouble to learn the complex mechanics, you can let off steam and let your imagination run wild. You can play the extensive game in survival and creative mode. The latter allows you to build freely without needing resources. Space Engineers also has a co-op mode.

In our review, we even called the space sandbox one of the best Minecraft alternatives, find out more here:

Space Engineers in test: The best Minecraft alternative without the brick look

Where can I get it? Space Engineers can also be found on (Steam) and costs 17 Euros there.

7 Days to Die – Here you build for your life

At first glance, the survival game 7 Days to Die doesn’t have much in common with Minecraft. In fact, you will also find an open world overrun by zombies, which is built on a block structure. You mine resources and use them to build your base. There are a lot of different components to choose from.

Of course, survival is much more important in this post-apocalyptic world. Every seventh night, large hordes of zombies attack your home, but you can stop them with all kinds of defence systems. Of course, the whole thing can also be played in co-op mode.

Where can I get the? 7 Days to Die is available on (Steam for 23 Euro). However, the game is still in Early Access as an alpha version – and has been for about nine years. So development is progressing anything but quickly. But even the current version of the survival game convinces 90 percent of the reviewers on Steam, overall the game has 88 percent positive reviews.


Dragon Quest Builders 2

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is set in the world of the JRPG series of the same name Dragon Quest, but promises building à la Minecraft. In multiplayer mode, you can build gigantic structures out of bricks with up to three friends. There is also a single-player campaign in which you have to fight against the sinister cult of the Children of Hargon.

Dragon Questbuilders 2 is quite popular with the Steam community and has 91 percent positive reviews. Both the story and the building mode are praised.

Where can I get this? Dragon Quest Builders is also available on (Steam), but is priced a little higher than all the other games in this article: For 50 euros it can go into your library. But at least you can try out a free demo.


Time for a change of perspective – Terraria

Those who don’t shy away from 2D games should take a look at Terraria. The extraordinarily popular game boasts 98 per cent positive reviews on Steam, with more than 700,000 reviews, making it among the top-rated games there.

Even though you play Terraria completely in side view, it is sometimes very reminiscent of Minecraft: In randomly generated worlds, you cut down trees and dig for resources. Then you make tools and build shelters that protect you and friendly NPCs from nasty creatures at night.

You also fight bosses, explore dungeons and search for new equipment. There are several modes to choose from, ranging from the tough Master Mode to the Journey Mode, which gives you complete control over the difficulty of your gaming experience.

By the way, those who feel more comfortable in sci-fi scenarios should take a look at Starbound, which is strongly reminiscent of Terraria. However, here you travel through the galaxy in a spaceship.

Where can I get the? You can buy Terraria on (Steam for 10 Euro)


Core Keeper

Lastly, we have a brand new title for you that just recently launched on Steam. Core Keeper is also a 2D game, but here you look down on your character from above. As an explorer, you search for a mysterious relic in a huge cave. In the process, you mine resources, produce equipment and build a base that you can gradually expand.

On your forays through the various biomes of the cave, you also defeat bosses and take valuable loot from them. In addition, of course, you have to provide for the physical well-being of your explorers by growing food. Core Keeper can be played alone or with up to 7 friends in co-op.

The game had an extremely successful start on Steam. We have researched for you what players like so much about Core Keeper:

Core Keeper: New co-op mining sandbox conquers hearts on Steam

Where can I get this? Core Keeper is available on (Steam). You currently have to pay 13 Euros for the Early Access title.

Do you already know all the games on the list or could you make a promising new discovery? Are you missing a particular game? Feel free to write us in the comments!