Minecraft update 1.20 has been announced and takes a surprising path


Minecraft 1.20 is just around the corner! We have all the information about the release, the features and the snapshot for you. You”ll be able to test the update surprisingly soon!

Surprise! The next big update is rolling out for Minecraft. Update 1.20 does not yet have an official name like its predecessors Caves & Cliffs or The Wild, but it also takes a completely new path.

The developers want to make sure that every feature presented will actually make it into the update – after some announced innovations for Caves & Cliffs, for example, had to be postponed in the past. Therefore, features will be announced step by step until the release, and you will be able to try them out in the snapshot and give feedback immediately after their announcement. We have all the latest information on Update 1.20 ready for you.

Release: When will Update 1.20 be released?

The full release of Minecraft Update 1.20 is scheduled for 2023. This was officially announced during the Minecraft Live stream. However, there is currently no exact date.

However, you will be able to try out the first features of update 1.20 in the upcoming snapshot “in a few days” – as well as the other innovations that will be announced in the course of the year.

Mob Vote 2022: Which new mob is coming in Update 1.20?

In the big creature vote 2022, the Tuff Golem, the Rascal and the Sniffer were up for selection. The winner was the Sniffer, which will find its way into Update 1.20. The Sniffer lays its eggs in chests under water. After you have recovered them, you can hatch them and receive your own baby sniffer.

Once the sniffer has grown up, new sniffers can be bred to help you sniff out Ancient Seeds.

Features: What are the new features in Update 1.20?


The update is designed to focus on creativity and self-expression, according to developers, and to expand the Minecraft world from the inside.

The Camel

The first known new addition in update 1.20 is the camel. This will be a new mount that, unlike the horse, is capable of a quick dash. You can also strap a two-saddle onto its hump and ride romantically as a duo into the sunset.

(By the way, the camel is supposed to have wiggly ears. We think you should know that).
(By the way, the camel is supposed to have wiggly ears. We think you should know that).

Bamboo wood

Bamboo wood has been available since version 1.14, but until now it could not be used to construct buildings. With version 1.20, bamboo becomes a fully functional building timber and offers the usual crafting options for boards:

  • Wooden stairs
  • Wooden step
  • Wooden door
  • Wooden trapdoor
  • Wooden pressure plate
  • Wooden knob
  • Fence
  • Fence gate
  • Sign
(In the middle you can see the new bamboo mosaic, which makes a wonderful window)
(In the middle you can see the new bamboo mosaic, which makes a wonderful window)

    But there is also a brand new building item explicitly for bamboo wood. The Bamboo Mosaic, which you can admire in the picture above.

    In addition, bamboo wood can now also be made into a floating base – but then it becomes not a boat but a raft However, this also offers the option for a chest on board.

    Functional bookshelves

    Gone are also the days of decorative bookshelves without actual books. With 1.20, new functional bookshelves come into play to place your book collections

    The special feature: The shelves can be combined with Redstone and thus offer the possibility for secret passages when we pull out books.

    hanging signs

    Finally, the new inscribable hanging signs were presented, which are available in all types of wood and in three different versions:

    • Hanging from two chains
    • Hanging from one block side
    • Hanging in a column between two blocks

    New skins

    Also, new default skins for your Minecraft characters besides Steve and Alex have been announced on Minecraft Live, making their way into the game and trailers of Minecraft on 29 November 2022.

    (From left to right: Sunny, Kai, Makena, Steve, Alex, Zuri, Efe, Ari and Noor.)
    (From left to right: Sunny, Kai, Makena, Steve, Alex, Zuri, Efe, Ari and Noor.)

    We recently had an in-depth interview with the developers of Minecraft and asked them about the future of Minecraft. There they told us that they want to support and expand Minecraft for 50 years or more and already have a very precise plan for it!

    In any case, you will be able to try out the new features yourself in a few days via Snapshot. We will keep you up to date. More features for update 1.20 will follow in the course of the year. At the Minecraft Live show, there was also news about the strategy game Minecraft Legends!

    What do you think of the new update? Will you be playing in the snapshot? Are you actively playing Minecraft right now? What features would you like to see in 1.20? Tell us in the comments!