Playing through Minecraft blindfolded: Exciting video shows how it’s done

‎Minecraft played through blindfolded.


A speedrunner has played through Minecraft – nothing special so far. But he managed the feat blindfolded in less than thirty minutes!

Minecraft is and remains a popular title, even though the block hit is already a few years old. You might think that the game has already been played in all kinds of ways.

But the Youtuber FrozenMelody, who specialises in speedruns, had a particularly wacky idea, which he also captured on video – he played through the game without being able to see anything.

By the way, Minecraft 2022 will receive a new update that will bring with it a whole host of new features that are intended above all to ensure an even more intense adventure in the world of blocks. (You can find all the information here)

To the Ender Dragon in just 27 minutes

As if his undertaking wasn’t ambitious enough, FrozenMelody set himself another strict rule to abide by during his playthrough: he was not allowed to use any external audio aid to help him find his way.

Then he blindfolded himself and started playing – running the entire route through the game by heart! You can see the impressive result here:

FrozenMelody spends the first six minutes blindly collecting resources that he absolutely needs to move forward. A short time later, he already sets sail and makes his way towards the Ender Dragon. The fight against the angular lizard only takes a mere two minutes before the clock shows a time of just under 27 minutes.

According to FrozenMelody, the route he devised was naturally designed to be as safe as possible and could be learned by heart by anyone with a good memory. However, the attempt is not quite so easy to recreate, because in Minecraft there are, as is well known, also randomly generated elements that you cannot influence on the route.

Defeat lurks everywhere

This is why the Runner, according to his own statement, also has over 100 failed attempts to his name. Even milliseconds would make a difference, such as a badly timed mouse click or entering a direction too early.

His successful attempt also included quite a bit of time that could be saved. Especially in the fight against the dragon, he still had some bad luck. He estimates the potential time gain at a whopping six minutes.

So, what are you waiting for? Blindfold yourselves and break the record! If you still need visual aids for his intensive training programme, you will find more than enough on FrozenMelodys YouTube channel. After all, he also played through other games blindfolded – including Deltarune, Celeste and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time!

Incidentally, blindfolded speedruns are nothing new. In the past, other top-class games have already been played blindfolded, such as the (buck-heavy samurai epic Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice).