Technoblade: Minecraft YouTuber passes away at 23, family releases final video


Technoblade was one of the most popular Minecraft YouTubers and has now succumbed to his serious cancer, his family has shared in a final video.

YouTuber and streamer Technoblade has shared a final video announcing that he has died of cancer at the age of 23. The Minecraft expert, who had over 11 million YouTuber subscribers, was diagnosed with stage four cancer almost a year ago.

Shortly after his, a final farewell video was released on his channel, which he produced together with his family.

Technoblade says goodbye with touching video

Technoblade”s last video features his father, who first reads out a farewell letter written by the YouTuber to his fans:

Hello everyone, this is Technoblade. If you”re watching this, I”m dead

In his letter, which he co-wrote with his father, he recalls some funny moments from his career and thanks his followers for their years of support:

Thank you all for supporting my content over the years. If I had another hundred lives, I would choose to be Technoblade again every time, because those were the happiest years of my life. (…)

I hope you enjoyed my content and that I made some of you laugh and I hope you all live long, successful and happy lives because I love you

Technoblades final video you can see here:

What his family and fans say

After reading out the suicide note, his father recounts in a tearful voice how the two wrote the message together. Apparently, the YouTuber was already near death at this point.

I don”t think he said everything he wanted to say, but I think he said the main points. He finished the text and then… He was done. He lived for about eight more hours. After that… We all said our goodbyes. He was the most amazing, was the most amazing kid you could ever wish for. I miss Technoblade. Thank you all so much for everything. You guys meant a lot to him

At the end of the video, a statement from the whole family followed:

We, the family of Technoblade, wanted you all to know how much he adored and respected his fans and colleagues.

Since the early online days of Technoblade, he always came up with something to please and reward his audience – giving away online prizes, encouraging good sportsmanship, and most importantly sharing his Minecraft adventures for entertainment and laughs.

Even after his successes, he managed to maintain his good-natured humility and struggle with an endearing balance between confidence and self-deprecating wit.

We ask you to continue to respect his wish to protect his privacy and that of his family“.

On social media, many fans, parents and siblings report what a positive effect Technoblade”s videos have had on them. For example, Jiklim writes on Reddit:

Minecraft honours late YouTuber

Update from July 4, 2022: After Technoblade”s death, Minecraft now also honours the late YouTuber with a small tribute. When you start the game in the Java edition, you can now see a brick pig with a crown in the background. A trademark of Technoblade, who himself was known for playing mainly with a pig in a royal outfit. Previously, Mojang had already expressed its condolences on the official Minecraft Twitter account

The discovery was brought to the attention of Twitter user _FireMonkey You can see a screenshot of the loading screen as follows:

Technoblade is not the first major YouTuber to succumb to cancer. Back in 2018, game critic TotalBiscuit passed away far too soon.