First player to level 60 in New World – Here’s how he did it

First player at level 60 in New World


The Amazon MMO New World is currently very trendy. One player shared his strategy on how he was the first to reach level 60 worldwide.

The video game world is currently addicted to the Amazon MMO New World. Among the hordes of adventurers, the Danish streamer with the nickname Larsen has distinguished himself as the most efficient player: he was the first to reach the highest possible level 60 after 59 hours of play on 1 October. Afterwards, he shared his secret with his fans and published a YouTube video on Sunday in which he explained his strategies.

Town Boards as a secret tip

The short summary for his fast levelling: He focused on Town Boards and Crafting.

Larsen begins his video with the tip to tackle Town Boards in several different locations on the map. He used Windsward Hamlet as his central location for crafting, as the town has the best layout for him.

At the beginning, he levelled up to level 20 with the usual story and side quests and the like. However, as soon as he had acquired steel tools, the town board missions started. At the beginning you only get quite bad missions, but the higher your trade skills are, the better missions become available. As a result, a lot of experience points are waiting to be collected.


Recall, fast travel and new houses for optimal rotation

The streamer goes on to explain that he has been running back and forth between Monarch’s Bluff, Everfall and Windsward, taking missions and gathering resources. So there are wolf dens, lots of rabbits, ores like iron or stone and so on – in short, in this triangle of areas you can find everything your heart and mission setter desires.

Larsen then took orders from all the settlements, went to Windsward, emptied his inventory at the crafting points and was thus able to fast travel more cheaply again.

Above all, the “Explorers Needed” missions have a practical effect, as the Dane explains: with them, the Territory Standing can be rapidly increased in order to secure a house in the corresponding area. With more money in his own account, he finally bought another house in a new zone and added it to his rotation.

Larsen recommends the following missions to level up:

  • Tasks for the Armourer and Weaponsmith
  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 food quests, especially the travel versions
  • Animal quests to kill wolves, rabbits or turkeys
  • Meat and Fruit Boxes

On the other hand, he sees collecting and working wood as more of a waste of time. So if you’re put off by the poor rewards of the Town Board missions: just power through. Soon you will be rewarded with lots of experience points!