New World: 20,000 Steam ratings, but not everyone has played it

New World 20.000 Steam

New World already has numerous ratings on Steam one day after release. But they’re mixed – mostly because some people can’t play it.

New World is already celebrating spectacular player numbers one day after its release. Currently, the record number of players logged in at the same time stands at 700,000. On Steam, Amazon’s MMO already has over 20,000 ratings. By comparison, the MMO Black Desert, which has been on Steam for 4 years, has 35,000 reviews.

However, not all of the 700,000 logged-in players and the 20,000 reviews have actually played New World – because the servers are hopelessly overloaded by the huge rush. And that leads to numerous negative and also … extremely unusual reviews.

We will keep you up to date on the current status of the server problems in this article. New servers are being activated all the time and a free transfer has also been announced:

New World: Server problems at launch, what is the current status?

Why the ratings are only balanced

Currently, in fact, only just over 50 percent of the ratings are positive What would normally be a damning verdict, however, is not necessarily related to the quality of the game at all. Numerous players have been in endlessly long queues since release and cannot play New World themselves. So they pass the time on Steam and give curious ratings for the “queue simulator”. Both with positive and negative ratings – which should distort the overall picture quite a bit.

User Zurret takes it with humour and leaves a positive rating:

I really like this queue simulator, it’s something new to look at a number for hours.

You have enough time to get things done:

  • shopping.
  • move.
  • visit Mars.
  • getting older.

Walle, on the other hand, pulls out a negative review and expresses his disappointment with the server bottlenecks:

I was really looking forward to the game. I’m aware that there can be bottlenecks on release, and that not everything is running at 100% yet.

But if a global company like Amazon can’t manage to get a reasonably stable start for European players / primarily players living in Germany on the basis of pre-sales figures / experience from the beta / experience from other releases, then I can’t think of anything else.

Some servers already had a queue of 10,000 players at the beginning = 80h waiting time.