New World: Amazon warns against fake keys and blocks thousands of accounts

Amazon warns of false keys and blocks thousands of accounts.


In the fight against bots and scammers, Amazon has blocked thousands of Steam keys. But in the process, keys belonging to innocent people were also removed.

Amazon has begun the fight against bots and cheaters in its best-selling MMORPG New World: As the developers have now announced in the official forum, thousands of accounts of gold farmers have been blocked. However, innocent people are also said to have lost their access to Aeternum.

Thousands of fake keys banned

This happened: Community Manager Tosch has published a new post in the New World forum announcing that thousands of game accesses have been revoked.

The reason for this is said to be that they were not only fraudulently obtained, but also all used by gold farmers and bots:

We have seen your reports about gold farmers and bots and we take them very seriously. Please know that we are always committed to fair gameplay for all. As part of that commitment, we are currently taking steps to revoke thousands of keys that were fraudulently obtained with the sole intention of disrupting the game.

Also innocent people affected: Amazon admits in the same breath that New World may have also been removed from Steam accounts that legitimately purchased their access.

The first people affected have already spoken out in the forum For example, all 100 keys purchased directly from Amazon by the gaming website Fextralife and raffled off among its readers are said to have been blocked.

What you can do if you’re affected

If New World has suddenly disappeared from your Steam account, you should definitely contact Amazon Games supportand clarify the situation.

However, it could be problematic if you bought your account at a Steam key shop. In these stores, which are often marketplaces for individual sellers, codes and Steam gifts are sometimes offered that were obtained with stolen payment data

If you purchased your account through such a third party, there is no guarantee that customer service will let you back into the game.