New World announces new PvP rewards and more changes

New World Announces New PvP Rewards


What’s next for New World? In a forum post, the developer announces what’s next for PvP, wars, and territories

What’s next for New World?

There is good news around New World – and that in two respects! Firstly, as part of the recent maintenance work, the temporarily deactivated economy functions have been reactivated. You should now be able to trade with other players, use the auction house and send gold without any problems. The problematic gold exploit should now be fixed.

At the same time, a long forum post also announced numerous changes affecting several components of New World – the PvP mode, the wars and the territorial ownership of companies. Find out what is planned for the near future in this article.

PvP, war, territories – this is to change

The list of planned changes is not exactly short, so we’d best get started straight away with our summary:

All changes to PvP

According to the developer, the player-versus-player combat is already in a good position, but there is still some room for improvement. The bonuses your character receives for marking for battle are good during the leveling phase (+10 percent experience gain), but in the endgame they want to work on better rewards for PvP readiness.

Two changes are mentioned for the near future: Marked players will be given more luck (hah!), which is especially helpful when finding rare items. In addition, the equipment of these players will not be damaged as much, which should save expensive repair costs in the long run. In the long term, the rewards for defeating enemies at the highest level are also to be improved.

Last but not least, there will soon be new PvP missions to bring more variety into the game and to spread PvP activities further across the game world.

This is planned for the wars

While the exploits and lags have negatively affected the war experience in recent weeks, they say they are satisfied with the conditions in themselves. Although there is often criticism that the wars take place too often, this is not the case. Thanks to the 24-hour cooldown, wars usually take place every two days, which is within reason according to the developers.

The balance is also within the desired range; on average, 80 per cent of the wars end in favour of the defenders – which was also the goal.

The two major problem areas, however, are communication and coordination on the battlefield. In the future, improvements would like to be made here so that teams can better coordinate and distinguish between allies and enemies. However, these changes should not be expected any time soon.

While coordination is all well and good, too much communication between players and developers can also have negative consequences, as Elena explains in her column about the problems of New World:

This should change with the territories

Here, too, one is initially satisfied with the status quo. The ownership of the individual territories changes at regular intervals and is well distributed between the factions on the respective servers.

Two changes are planned here: Players will soon be able to change factions, but not to the dominant one, so as not to endanger the balance. In addition, the influence gain of the supposed underdog, which one receives for completed PvP missions, will be increased so that war can be declared more quickly. They also want to do something about the tax income, which varies greatly between the territories.

What is your opinion on the announced changes? Does it all sound sensible to you, or do you see the construction sites in completely different areas of the gameplay? Let us know in the comments!