New World: First major update to bring players back with new content

New World First major update.


Amazon announces the first major update for New World. On board is a host of new content that will soon be playable on the test server.

New and exciting content for the future: Amazon announces the first major update for New World in a (blog entry). It is full of content and improvements for the PvE area and also offers innovations for PvP.

In the announcement of the big update, however, there are even more innovations and a test server. Because before the content starts on the live server, Amazon wants to put the update through its paces in advance.

This is all in the 1st major update

In the upcoming update, Amazon is focusing primarily on new content, although this does not yet include any territory expansions or new expeditions. Instead, the focus is on the following new features:

  • New weapon: Unhealing Tulips, which like the other weapons offers two talent trees and complements the magic weapons.
  • Legendary weapon quest for Unhealing Tulips: Players who reach level 60 and level 20 on the weapon will receive a new quest in Brackish Water.
  • New Enemies: Varangian Hunters have landed in the areas of First Light, King’s Rock and Alwaysfall
  • More variety in enemies: Pirate Alligators, Ancestor Guardian Fire Mages, Hutzelige Swarm Wizards and more new enemies populate the open world from now on
  • New Quests: In West-Immerfall, there is a new quest series that deals with the arrival of the new enemies
  • Improved Main Storyline Quests: New quest types and quest variations will be introduced to provide more variety
  • New PvP faction missions: Three new quest types will be added, revolving around checkpoints, hidden plans in the enemy war camp and tears of your enemies
  • Update for the Trading Post: The trading houses of the game world will be connected as previously announced.

Neu in der Welt von New World: Die Varangianischen Jäger sind gelandet und wollen euch ans Leder.


All info on the test server

Before the big update reaches the live servers, Amazon is letting interested players try out the changes in advance. For this purpose, the official test server for New World starts today, 10 November.

Buyers of New World will receive a new Steam library entry called New World Public Test Realm during the course of the day. You will have to download this and can then try out the new features as soon as the test server is online.

The test server for the update will start on 10 November at 21:00 German time. However, there will only be two worlds: One server in the USA and one in Central Europe.

The test server is completely independent of the live content and there is no way to transfer your character. However, according to Amazon, there will be corresponding perks on the test server for immediate level-ups or special equipment so that the new content can be explicitly tested.

What does the new weapon bring?

The big highlight of the update is definitely the new weapon. The Unhealing Tulips are another magical weapon that should guarantee high damage on the one hand, but also support in battle on the other.

Mit den Unheilstulpen können Spieler sowohl Schaden verursachen, als auch Heilen.

The wounds of doom scale with the attributes intelligence and focus, which makes them a suitable addition to the staff of life. But also with other weapons, the gauntlets of doom can potentially be combined well. This is mainly due to the two very different talent trees:

  • Extinction: You summon an Unholiness Blade that provides damage in close combat.
  • Decay: Provides both ranged healing and debuffing spells that you cast with an orb of decay. The decay tree should be able to show its strengths especially in group combat.

    What about the other innovations?

    The new content, i.e. enemies and quests, is primarily aimed at new players or players who are still on the lower levels. If you are already level 60, you will not notice the arrival of the Varangian Hunters unless you take the low level quests. If you are already level 60, we will tell you in a separate article what you can do now.

    In PvP, on the other hand, there is a little more variety with the three new mission types. The same applies to the new enemy types, which, according to Amazon, lead to unique combat moves. It is not yet possible to say exactly what effect this will have.

    There is no release date for the update yet. How long Amazon will keep the test servers running is also still unclear. The latter will probably depend on how the feedback from the test players turns out.