New World Guide: How to get the legendary weapons

‎New World Legendary weapons


There are currently 133 legendary weapons in the MMO. We explain how you can get them through quests or crafting.

By the time you reach the endgame of New World, the legendary weapons will be interesting for you – but you can get some of them quite early! We’ll tell you which ones are available and how to unlock them via quest rewards, as Legendary Drops in boss fights or even while crafting.

Finding the Legendary Weapons

What exactly are legendary weapons? In New World, this is the rarest orange item category you can obtain. They are usually better than the rest of the game’s weapons thanks to powerful perks, have a unique name and come with fixed stats and bonuses. Unfortunately, this can also mean that you are unlucky and get a legendary weapon that doesn’t do you much good.

What legendary weapons are there? New World currently offers a total of 133 legendary weapons, divided into twelve categories:

  • Legendary Swords
  • General Axes
  • Legendary Muskets
  • Legendary Bows
  • General Hatchets
  • General Fire Sticks
  • Legendary Wands of Life
  • Legendary Shields
  • General War Hammers
  • General Rapiers
  • Legendary Spears
  • General Ice Gauntlets

You can find the complete list of weapons and all their perks here at NewWorldFans

How do I get legendary weapons? There are three ways to get your hands on these coveted weapons: You can craft them yourself, earn them through quests or pick them up as loot in dungeons. This is what legendary weapons look like in your inventory:

Legendary Weapons: Dungeons

You can also get some legendary weapons as random Legendary Drops from certain bosses. However, your chances here are of course less good than in the quests or if you pick up the blacksmith’s hammer yourself. We don’t yet know all the locations and dungeons where you can capture Legendary gear, but here’s what we do know:

In the Garden of Genesis end-game dungeon, you’ll get random legendary weapons as drops, such as the Creeping Recurve Bow and the Angry Earth Exterminator. You can find the items in the chests after you have defeated the enemies.

In the Spriggan Arena (PvE), legendary loot is also waiting for you, both weapons and armour. Here, five of you fight against a powerful boss monster.))

Do you get motivated by hunting legendary weapons? Do you prefer to craft the masterpieces directly yourself or do you hope to get lucky by farming in dungeons? Write us your opinion in the comments