New World has to disable all trade again

New World has to shut down its entire trade again

A bug is once again plaguing New World, forcing the developers to temporarily disable trade between players.

There is simply no peace in the operation of New World. Since the MMO launched at the end of September 2021, the game has been plagued by all kinds of problems. Above all, item duping, i.e. the multiplication of items by exploiting a technical error, has already caused some trouble.

A new bug has now made it possible to multiply your items again. Therefore, trading in New World has now been temporarily deactivated again. The developers have also already commented on how they want to proceed further.

Trade disabled, use of exploit to be sanctioned

In the (official forum) of New World, the operators have already spoken with a statement that confirms the new exploit and elaborates on the decisions made regarding the deactivated trade between players. Community manager Tosch writes

Hello everyone,

We are aware of a possible duplication exploit that has been circulating on the forums and social media. While we investigate the exploit, we have temporarily disabled all forms of wealth transfer between players (e.g. sending currency, guild coffers, trading posts, player-to-player trading). Any player found to have participated in the use of this exploit will be penalised accordingly.

Once the duplication exploit has been investigated and we are ready to re-enable wealth transfer, we will update this post.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you currently want to trade with other players in New World, you're looking down the tube.
If you currently want to trade with other players in New World, you’re looking down the tube.

You can no longer trade with other players or use the trading post. It is also no longer possible to send gold or pay into the guild treasury.

It is not known how long trading will be suspended. It could even take until the upcoming patch 1.0.6 before the functions are released again. It remains to be seen what long-term effects this will have on the already very fragile economy in New World.

Players demand complete reset of economy

Now, of course, one might wonder why such item exploits are causing such a stir in New World of all places. The reason lies in the completely player-based economy. Whereas in classic MMOs the economy is largely run by NPCs with fixed prices for buying and selling and players can usually only offer items in auction houses, here it works differently.

In New World, the actions of the players – i.e. all trade, auctions, guild cash registers, etc. – determine the economic framework. – determine the economic framework conditions, such as prices according to the supply/demand principle. So if an exploit allows items to be duplicated and thus absurdly high amounts of gold to be obtained, the whole foundation of the economic system suddenly shakes.

Would you like an illustrative example? The Twitter user Dimitry has calculated how quickly you can get astronomically rich if you exploit the exploits. According to him, you don’t even need 30 item duplications to own more than 1 billion gold coins.

In response to the recent exploit and (the developer’s detailed statement), more and more players are therefore demanding in the comments in the forum and on Twitter that New World’s economy be set completely to zero in order to nullify any advantages the cheaters might have. Only then would there be any incentive for players to help shape the economy.

What exactly is going wrong with New World? After all, the Amazon MMO started with huge ambitions, but so far there is still a lot of sand in the gears.

What’s the mood like among you? Are you still patient with New World, or has the MMO scared you away with its recurring problems? Feel free to let us know in the comments