New World: Patch 1.1.1 brings back bug fixes and lost items – all Patch Notes




Patch 1.1.1 brings many bug fixes and lost items back to New World. We provide you with all the information about the update, the maintenance work and patch notes.

New World will receive a new patch today, 1 December 2021. The update with the number 1.1.1 is mainly dedicated to many bugs and glitches, but does not bring any new content. In our overview, we provide you with the most important information and all patch notes.


When will Patch 1.1.1 be released?

Patch 1.1.1 was released yesterday, 1 December 2021 at 8am. According to official information from the developers, this should take about three hours. According to this, the servers should be available again around 11 am. Should there be any further delays, we will of course keep you updated.


What are the most important changes?

Patch 1.1.1 for New World is dedicated exclusively to fixing errors, bugs and glitches. There is no new content or serious changes to game mechanics. We have picked out the most important fixes for you as follows:

  • Players who lost their gardening or harvesting equipment after patch 1.1 will now get it back in chests
  • Elemental enemies no longer drop as much elemental particles as before. The particles can now also no longer be obtained when dismantling elemental opponents
  • Fixed a bug that prevented purchase orders from being served from the local storage shed.
  • A bug prevented trading, moving and disassembling furniture. The bug has now been fixed.
  • Bugs of the new weapon Unheilsstulpen have been fixed
  • Fixed a bug with the experience points of the profession Jewelcrafting after patch 1.1
  • Improvements have been made to the server and preparations have been made to merge it.


What else is happening at New World?

Lately, New World’s economy has been facing new setbacks. Most recently due to angling bots overrunning the game world. But there was also room for criticism aside from that. The first major update exacerbated one of the MMO’s biggest criticisms, of all things, while tax cuts caused chaos and players lost their progress.

New World is overrun by fishing bots, but players find creative solutions


All patch notes of 1.1.1 at a glance

Amazon Studios published the patch notes for update 1.1.1 for New World on the (official website of the MMO). You can also get an overview here:


Particles of elemental opponents

  • Fixed a bug that caused elemental opponents to drop a large amount of particles
  • We have also removed elemental particles as a reward for collecting elemental creatures and reduced the amount of other resources they receive. This is in response to their numbers in the world and how often they respawn. Originally, these creatures were meant to be challenging and rare encounters in the world. In practice, however, they were less dangerous and more frequent than intended, resulting in them providing too many resources compared to primary sources such as elemental plants and stones.


Missing gardening equipment

In the last update, a bug crept in that caused all ranks of Gardener Harvesting Equipment in the game to be classified as upcoming content and inadvertently removed from the game. We apologise for this error which caused you to lose legitimately earned items. If you were affected and lost a piece of Harvester Armour, you should have an additional reward chest in your inventory after this update.

It contains a full set of the Gardener’s Armour in the highest rank you have personally achieved so far for a piece of the Harvester’s Armour set. The items also have the maximum armour value for that rank and can be used at any level, so you can equip them safely. Like the other pieces of Harvester armour you can find normally, they are marked as ‘Bound when Equipped’. When you open the chest, you will find 5 items inside:

  • Harvester’s Hat
  • harvester’s shirt
  • Harvest worker gloves
  • Harvest worker trousers
  • Harvest worker shoes



  • Handling, moving and disassembling of furniture/housing items is possible again.


  • Fixed a bug where crafting plans for jewelcrafting did not yield enough XP for trading skills.
  • Recently, we have reduced the amount of trade skill XP earned by crafting lower rank items when players reach a new base rank in a skill. For example, in metal, players who unlock steel plans earn less for crafting iron plans. By doing this, we wanted to put more focus on crafting higher tier items when progressing in trade skills and also make higher tier materials more valuable. By doing this, we want to reward players for making higher tier items as they progress through each trade skill. Prior to this change, we felt players spent too much time crafting lower tier items instead of increasing their trade skills by crafting items they could actually use at their current level.


  • Fixed a bug where players could not serve buy orders from local storage sheds



  • Technical preparations for server mergers
  • Improvements in performance in wars


General bug fixes

  • Unholy Gauntlets: Fixed a bug where the cooldown for Void did not start when players switched weapons at the beginning of the ability
  • Unholy Gauntlets: Fixed bug where status effects of consumable items were being cleared by Void
  • Fixed bug where jewelcrafting wasn’t giving the correct amount of XP for higher level crafting
  • Fixed bug where players could not earn the Lumberjack achievement