New World: Players deliver frequently requested feature as a mod

‎New World Players often deliver desired feature as a mod‎



A minimap in New World – this dream of many players is finally becoming reality thanks to a new mod. It is still unclear, however, what Amazon thinks about the topic.

The world of New World is large and new players in particular like to get lost in the environment. Turn left too early here, miss the turnoff there, and you’re already lost in the area. Where exactly was the merchant in the city? And what resources are there nearby?

Most role-playing games have a minimap for such purposes – but unfortunately not in New World. There you have to open the map every time to find your way around. Until now: Because two players have unceremoniously made a mod for themselves, with which they finally have a fully functional minimap.

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This is what the minimap mod can do

On Reddit, the user morbrid introduced his mod. Since he too always gets lost in the cities and is tired of constantly opening and closing the map, he quickly teamed up with a friend and made a minimap. The circular section always shows you a section of the normal game map.

I’m always losing track of where things are in towns, so my friend and I built a Minimap to help from newworldgame


The minimap mod offers the following features:

When you enter a city, the map zooms in automatically to make it easier to distinguish between the individual symbols.
You can quickly show and hide the mod with a hotkey. It does not have to be permanently displayed.
Thanks to a specially developed method, the recognition of your character on the map should be more precise than on the standard map.
The mod is distributed via the service Overwolf, which, according to the makers of the mod, is accepted by Easy Anti Cheat. A ban is therefore not to be feared.
Accesses map data from the community to be able to display even more info.))

The New World Minimap can be downloaded from the Website of Overwolf Those who would like to first convince themselves of its usefulness can also try outan online demo of the minimap


The legality is still unclear

But be careful: Even if the makers are optimistic about the acceptance by the anti-cheat protection of New World, there is no guarantee that it really is or remains so. So if you get the minimap, remember that you install it at your own risk!

After all, Amazon is not exactly squeamish when they smell unfair behaviour. Only recently, they blocked thousands of accounts because their keys were said to come from forbidden sources – but in the process they also caught numerous innocent players

Are you happy about this minimap and will you install it? Or is the standard map function enough for your adventures? Feel free to write your opinion in the comments