New World: The dying MMO wants to start over with huge Egypt update


Brimstone Sands is the name of the next update for Amazon”s MMORPG New World. The patch brings much more than just a new desert area.

New World has been struggling with dwindling player numbers since its release. After many bugs and half-baked game design sent the at times almost one million simultaneously active Steam players fleeing, Amazon is now courting its fans with updates and improvements.

A major update is imminent with Brimstone Sands. And it not only offers new end-game content like a huge new biome, but should also make the first hours of play easier as a newcomer. More variation in the enemies should offer a more entertaining game experience overall.

We summarise compactly what Brimstone Sands in New World improves and what it brings new. And how this is supposed to relaunch the stumbling MMO role-playing game.

What”s in Brimstone Sands

Brimstone Sands is packed with important improvements for New World. In the developer video, Amazon Games discuss and show what the update is all about:

The most important things in a nutshell:

  • New Biom: Brimstone Sands is a desert with a large pyramid at its centre. According to Amazon, the area spans three times the size of previous biomes. The story there revolves around divine beings who were in contact with Egyptians, as well as corrupted Roman soldiers.
  • New Weapon: The Greatsword enables a different way of playing than previous weapon types. Thus, the Greatsword should be able to be used in both damage and defensive builds. It is also said to be compatible with many other melee weapons.
  • Improved game entry: The tasks in New World, which revolve around the first 25 levels, are to be extensively revised. For example, running paths have been shortened to ensure a better flow of the game. In addition, the initial areas are supposed to be more fun and unique to play, which will be ensured by new enemy variations, among other things.
  • Adjustments to occupied territories and various minor changes

The third point in particular is important: Once Amazon Games has collected enough data and player feedback, the developer plans to extend the improvements around the first 25 levels to the rest of New World.

With this, New World could perhaps persuade one or two more players to return. The first reactions to the announcement are mostly positive on (YouTube) and (Reddit) so far.

When will the update be released?

It won”t be long now. Two phases for Brimstone Sands are on the agenda:

  • The PTR test phase: As early as the beginning of September, several elements of Brimstone Sands are to be gradually tested on the test server. First, the entry enhancements and the greatsword will come to the server, followed later by the new Brimstone Sands area.
  • The Full Release: Once all content has been extensively tested, the release on the live servers will follow in October 2022. The developers did not get more specific yet.

What do you think of the planned improvements for New World? Can Brimstone Sands lure you back into the Amazon MMO or have you turned your back on the game permanently? Let us know in the comments!