Overwatch 2 announces Cowboy Bebop crossover


Anime fans can get their money’s worth in Overwatch 2 next week. Blizzard has announced a crossover with Cowboy Bebop. The whole thing comes with a pretty cool trailer that is already making fans’ hearts beat faster

The anime Cowboy Bebop may already have a few years under its belt. But it still has a loyal fan base behind it. Fans are therefore very excited about the latest announcement from Blizzard. From March 12, there will be a collaboration between Overwatch 2 and the anime. This offers various character skins and weapons in the guise of the most popular characters from the series.

However, most of the skins from the collaboration will only end up in your inventory if you exchange them for real money. The exception is the Wrecking Ball skin. This will be available as a F2P reward for all community members of Overwatch 2.
The skins will be fully revealed on March 11,

If you want to catch another glimpse of Cowboy Bebop, you can visit Crunchy Roll here. The streaming platform offers the entire anime. There is also a Netflix adaptation, which was not particularly well received by the community. You can find out more about Overwatch 2 here