Overwatch 2 scraps promised co-op mode, devs respond to angry fans


The PvE content announced for Overwatch 2 is being cut. Community reacts disappointed and angry, devs try to calm down.

When Overwatch 2 was announced, many fans asked themselves one question: why is this being released as a new game instead of a big update? Even at release, the hero shooter didn”t feel like a full-fledged sequel, partly due to the lack of co-op content, which wasn”t due to be added until 2023. Now it is revealed that the developers” plans have changed.

What happened?

In a (Developer stream on Overwatch 2) they announce disappointing news about the PvE missions: The promised Hero Mode, where you would face off against computer opponents alone or in co-op, leveling up your characters and learning new skills, is being cancelled entirely

The reason given by the developers is that they did not achieve the hoped-for progress and had to decide: With no end in sight Continue working on the mode, or reduce the amount of PvE content? Since it had become clear that they would not be able to fulfil the vision presented in 2019, they decided on the latter.

Story missions as an alternative

(Season 6 is set to be the first release of story missions for Overwatch 2.)
(Season 6 is set to be the first release of story missions for Overwatch 2.)

In the stream and on Twitter, it is once again emphasised that there will still be co-op content for Overwatch 2. Along with future Seasons, story-based events will be released, each containing a series of co-op missions. Additionally, there are single-player hero missions:

The attempt to smooth the waters with this, however, is not crowned with success for the time being.

Disappointed fans

In the community the announcement hits like a bomb. (On Reddit thousands of fans) are discussing the new PvE plans, most of them are disappointed. After all, they had long been put off until later 

     Discussion] Overwatch 2 devs announce that most of the original plans for PVE have been scrapped
by      u/Professor_Finn in     Overwatch  

User (Difficult_Bit_1339) is especially angry about the nature of this important announcement:

This is so cowardly of Blizzard. It”s the biggest news out of the entire stream, and they knew it was. Yet they waited an hour after the stream started to casually mention that one of the most anticipated, biggest updates to Overwatch is being cancelled.

Nothing about this big announcement can be read on their website or in the launcher. You must be hearing about it randomly in a news article because they won”t address it directly.

(One of the most popular comments) accuses the developers of pretending to make Overwatch 2 a full-fledged sequel also because of the PvE content. However, these have now been largely cancelled. (For many fans this is proof) that in the end it was only about getting rid of the lootbox system and instead introducing a Free2Play title with Battle Pass.

What do you think about the fact that some promised co-op content for Overwatch 2 is now no longer to come? Are you also disappointed, or do you only play multiplayer anyway? What are your hopes for the future of the hero shooter and the features announced in the roadmap? Feel free to write us in the comments!