Overwatch 2 trailer reminds us that Season 1 is very close


After a long wait, Overwatch 2 will be released soon and announces the start of the first season with a trailer. It introduces you directly to the innovations that are coming and what you can unlock in the first Battlepass. The focus is on the new characters, but there is also a whole series of cosmetic unlocks.

With Sojourn, the Junker Queen and Kiriko, there are three new heroes at once. The first two will be unlocked immediately for all players, while Kiriko is a bonus for Overwatch 1 owners. Among the cosmetic items is also a new mythic skin for Genji in the Battle Pass paid tier.

Starting on 4 October, you will be able to play Overwatch 2 for free. The Junkerstein’s Revenge: Wrath of the Bride event will also start directly at this time.