Mafia 4 is coming and we already know more than the developers are revealing for the announcement


A new Mafia game is officially in development! But that will still be years away. But a rumour could reveal something about the story and the engine

It”s official: a new Mafia is in development! With this, publisher 2K finally confirms the rumours that had been swirling around Mafia 4 in early 2022. And thanks to this rumour, we might already know a bit more about the story and the engine than the official announcement lets on.

We summarise all known information about the newly announced Mafia for you. Fans of the gangster series should also mark their calendars for 1 to 5 September. Because in this period 2K celebrates the 20th birthday of the very first game and thus gives away Mafia 1 on Steam. But one thing at a time.

By the way: With the announcement of Mafia 4, a little dream should come true for Fabiano. Because after the Definitive Edition for Mafia 1, he wanted nothing more than a continuation of the series.

Mafia 4 officially confirmed, it is known

This is what the developers reveal: General manager Roman Hladik of developer studio Hangar 13 revealed that the next Mafia is in development in a new interview on the in-house website, which was published to mark the 20th anniversary of the series. However, not much more was confirmed than that a new Mafia is coming – and that it is still years away.

So at the moment we don”t even know if the new Mafia will be called Mafia 4 and when exactly it will be released. Accordingly, the project is still in a very early stage of development and fans should continue to be patient for the time being. In the meantime, the official 2K account is running at full speed again and is officially fuelling the mood with tweets like the following:

What rumours from May 2022 reveal: While Hangar 13 is currently stingy with details, a Kotaku reveal report published earlier this year may shed some more light. At that time, Kotaku claimed to have already learned that a new part was already in development under the working title Nero.

Before Mafia 4, Hangar 13 was still busy with the remasters of the Mafia trilogy and had supported Gearbox in the development of Tiny Tina”s Wonderlands. According to Kotaku, the studio was also working on other projects in the meantime, which were, however, discarded. In the course of this, they are said to have turned to the strengths of a well-known and established brand.

According to this, Mafia 4 will be based on the Unreal Engine 5 and will be a prequel to the very first part of the series. This is definitely good news for fans who were not too happy with the direction taken by Mafia 3. Would-be Mafioso Dimi, however, vehemently advises you that you should definitely give Mafia 3 a chance.

The first Mafia will soon be given away on Steam

Last but not least, Mafia fans can look forward to a very special 20th anniversary treat: from 1 to 5 September, the very first Mafia will be available for free on Steam. From 7 pm, on this date you should definitely keep an eye on (the official Steam page of Mafia).

Of course, with the Definitive Edition, there is a much more enjoyable way to experience the original Mafia all over again.

What are your hopes and expectations for the next Mafia? What does the perfect sequel to the open-world series look like to you? Let us know in the comments!