Map changes in Warzone Season 6 – New bunkers and old Gulag


New bunkers, a destroyed stadium and the return of the original Gulag: Season 6 mixes up Call of Duty: Warzone properly.

Season 6 shakes up Verdansk properly. An earthquake in CoD: Warzone has caused several changes to the map. Here’s what to expect in your next games.

Destruction brings new areas

Two of the changes can’t be overlooked. The stadium and downtown Verdansk were heavily destroyed by earthquakes. The ground of the areas has opened, some buildings have simply collapsed and there is debris everywhere. The stadium was split in two. However, this has also opened up new areas below Dowtown and the stadium to explore.

Three new bunkers appeared

To add to the apocalyptic mood, three new World War II bunkers have now appeared. These are located at the following locations:

  • Northwest of Radar Array
  • North of the area of the airport
  • North of the silos in the cemetery (Boneyard)

This time no special codes are needed to access the bunkers. There are two ways to access each. Either through one of the earth fissures opened up by the quake, or through ziplines found through red containers. There you should find cables that you can use to lower yourself below the surface. In the bunkers there is then some loot to collect.

The original Gulag returns

Last but not least, there’s also a little time travel. The layout of the first Warzone Gulag is back! So for those who have been with us from the beginning, the upcoming survival battles may be a little easier than for the newbies.