Team Ninja Confirms Dead or Alive Reboot


Team Ninja reveals that a reboot of its fighting game Dead or Alive is in the works during keynote speech at the Korea G-Star Conference.

Developers Team Ninja revealed that a Dead or Alive reboot is in the works. This Dead or Alive announcement came at the end of Team Ninja’s keynote at the Korea G-Star Conference in Busan, South Korea.

The well-known fighting game franchise originated with the first Dead or Alive in 1996, and since then has grown in popularity with six games total in the main series, as well as multiple spinoffs. Dead or Alive 6 released in 2019 and is currently the most recent release as there haven’t been any new games in the franchise since.

During the keynote, the development studio expounded on many aspects of the company, and closed by revealing that reboots for Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden are both upcoming. The reveal method is in keeping with previous Team Ninja announcements, and although Team Ninja announced that they are currently working on a Dead or Alive reboot, they gave no other details about the upcoming game. So far there is no information on what platforms the reboot will release on, when it will release, or any other details about it.

The G-Star Conference is the largest games industry show in Korea, and it’s quite common for prominent Korean and Southeast Asian developers to make an appearance and give presentations and reveals. With that in mind, this was the perfect opportunity for Team Ninja to let fans know about the reboot of the popular fighting game. With some recent stumbles in the Dead or Alive franchise including features like charging players to change hair colors in game, these reboots could be a key step in renewing player engagement and goodwill with the franchise.

Reboots can be a risky choice, but with a classic fighting game like Dead or Alive, chances are good that the nostalgia factor will convince a lot of fans to buy the game. For newer players who never had a chance to enjoy the original Dead or Alive, this is an opportunity for them to get back to the roots of the franchise with an improved and remastered experience.

Some players might be worried that a reboot won’t live up to the series’ reputation, given the recent departure of Dead or Alive director Yohei Shimbori. However, as long as Team Ninja doesn’t make any drastic changes to the original game, fans shouldn’t be worried.

The Dead or Alive reboot is in development.