Cheap Warzone copy? Ghost Recon Battle Royale earns criticism


With Ghost Recon: Frontline, Ubisoft wants to bring a battle royale to the market. However, the game seems to be very similar to Warzone.

Ubisoft is working on a Battle Royal. However, first impressions of Ghost Recon: Frontline seem reminiscent of a well-known title. In the reviews for the game, criticism often comes that it is supposed to be a copy of Call of Duty: Warzone.

During the close beta of Ghost Recon: Frontline, which ran from 28 January to 30 January, some players were able to take a look at Ubisoft’s new battle royal. However, the first impression was relatively unimpressed, especially among the leakers. Even the well-known insider Tom Henderson did not seem to be really enthusiastic about the beta.

Ghost Recon: Frontline is supposedly just a simple copy of Warzone. Apparently not only the game principle of the Battle Royals is copied, but also similar animations and also sound effects. According to Henderson, Ubisoft’s game would not be innovative at its current stage. The beta of Ghost Recon: Frontline is also criticised on Reddit.

Parzalai has given his first verdict on Ubisoft’s Battle Royal on Reddit. The game would simply not convince graphically even on the latest hardware. The weapons also have poor animation and Ghost Recon: Frontline looks more like an indie game than a release from an established developer studio. However, it is still a closed beta. Ubisost has not yet announced a release date for the full version. Therefore, there could still be some changes to the game.