Rainbow Six Siege: Trailer introduces new mobile version

RainbowSIX Mobile!

The mobile spin-off called Rainbow Six Mobile wants to bring the popular principle of Siege to mobile touch devices. The gameplay remains as similar as many characters and maps, but it is not a direct copy. The developers say they’ve built the game from the ground up, aiming for the best possible experience on the go.

Rainbow six siege Mobile.

It’s not meant to pull anyone away from the existing version, but to give them the opportunity to enjoy the game they love in short intense bursts on the go. From this common starting point, the mobile version will then gradually evolve into something entirely its own.

As in Siege, you will fight as an attacker or defender around a building complex, placing or tearing down barricades, sending out small scout robots, scaling facades and, of course, trying to take out the enemy team.

The developers at Ubisoft Montreal did not yet want to name a release date for the Android and iOS title.