Rainbow Six Siege: Y7S3 – Brutal Swarm


To coincide with the grand finale of the Six Berlin Major, Ubisoft presents the content of the third season of the current year. In addition to a new operator, Grim, there will be further changes to the content.

With Operation Brutal Swarm, Ubisoft today reveals Season 3 in Year 7 of Tom Clancy”s Rainbow Six® Siege. The new content releases on September 6 and brings with it Grim, a new Singaporean attacker, as well as a new map, Phase 2 of the Player Reputation System with chat sanctions, match replay reports and many gameplay enhancements.

Operation Brutal Swarm introduces Grim, a new Singaporean attacker with military experience in stealth, security and intelligence gathering. His Kawan Hive Launcher system fires a projectile that deploys a canister on the ground, releasing a swarm of small bee bots. This swarm tags defenders inside or running through it until the bee-bots” batteries run out. Grim is an operator with high speed and low health. He is also equipped with either a 552 Commando or the SG-CQB, and carries the P229 as a secondary weapon.

In addition to Grim, a fan-favourite map from the Road to S.I. event will also be permanently added to the map pool under the new name Stadium Bravo. Using parts of other maps and the indestructible bulletproof glass, this map challenges players to develop new strategies to succeed.

The recently announced major balancing changes, including changes to Finka and LMGs, will also be implemented in Year 7 Season 3. Game players can also look forward to new features such as the Impact EMP Grenade. Other changes include more weapon attachment options for players to choose from. In addition, the recoil system has been overhauled, with each weapon”s recoil being adjusted and the

recoil intensity has been increased for sustained continuous fire. The recoil overhaul is exclusive to PC, while console players will now find their own updated recoil for controllers.

Further balance updates for Dokkaebi and Rook are planned for mid-season. Dokkaebi”s logic bomb now affects already eliminated Operators, and Rook”s armour plates now grant Operators the “Stand Firm” ability when they wear them. With this ability, Operators with 20 health can revive themselves if they fall into the “Down but not eliminated” state.

Gameplay updates for this season include changes to the map ban phase, which now displays five maps instead of three to increase map variety. The tactical map has also been updated to provide more information to attackers in the preparation phase. Attackers can now see a list of available defender targets, with floors and targets displayed when detected by the attacking team.

In addition, match officials can now report suspected cheaters in the Match Replay screen. They can view footage of their recent matches and report suspected cheaters while viewing their gameplay. With this feature, Ubisoft continues its ongoing commitment to detecting and banning cheaters to create a fair environment for all.

Phase 2 of the Player Reputation System will be introduced later in the season to further enhance the player experience. This update introduces a new penalty for abusing text chat. While this penalty is active, repeat offenders will be muted by default to hide hateful and abusive content in text chat. Players who have sent too many hateful or abusive messages will be subject to an active penalty for 30 games.

Following on from the introduction of Wolfguard in Year 7 Season 3, Operation Brutal Swarm shifts the focus back to another faction: Nighthaven. Professional soldiers may see the Private Military Company as opportunistic and hostile, but that”s because their agents are very protective of them. Their services come at a price, so Nighthaven often works for the highest bidder. This allows the company to afford the best military technology and the

best weapons, which can be an attractive proposition for Rainbow Six operators. Finka, Pulse, Ela, IQ and Smoke have decided to leave Rainbow and join Nighthaven. They join Kali, Wamai, Aruni, Ace, Osa and their security chief Grim.

Finally, players who have a current Battle Pass will receive a 10% discount on all items in the in-game shop. This discount will also apply to future Battle Passes. With the new “Buy For A Friend Battle Pass” programme, Premium Battle Passes can also be purchased for friends who do not yet own one.