34,000 dollars through cheats – YouTuber exposes VALORANT cheat developer


The YouTuber Valorant Updates has exposed one of the most popular cheat programs for Riot Games’ shooter VALORANT in an investigative video.

Why train when you can simply buy cheat software for just under 500 dollars? Probably because you’ll be banned shortly afterwards and lose all your skins too. The YouTube channel Valorant Update published an investigative video last week in which it tracked down a cheat program for VALORANT called “D0minator”. The developer of the illegal software was estimated to have taken over $34,000.

Almost $500 for a cheat that will probably be exposed anyway

Valorant Update exposed the program of an anonymous developer who worked under the nickname “John Wick”. The fraudster sold software and hardware cheats. In doing so, he offered various models. In addition to the one-month software licence for 99 euros, a lifetime licence including hardware could also be bought for the maximum price of 499 euros.

With the latter offer, the buyer received hardware that was specially programmed for the user’s computer and sent directly to the buyer’s home. This system initially made it difficult for the Vanguard software to detect cheating. The channel could not figure out exactly how the hardware worked. However, his guess was that it was specified and disguised as a printer. After several months, however, Vanguard recognised the illegal activity and banned several users, who also lost all their skins as a result.