Breeze – How to play the new map

Valorant Breeze New Map

The sixth VALORANT map Breeze is the most extensive of all previous maps. Professionals mainly go for controllers to gather information and block the view. However, sniper weapons are not to be underestimated either.

Breeze is a very open map with few narrow corridors. That’s why you have to pay attention to much more angles than usual. This also allows for unconventional agent strategies. However, one thing is important above all – control.

Breeze is a wide-area map that will be heavily contested in the middle and indoors.

Classically, there are two bomb sites on Breeze. Just like the map center, these spots are also designed to be very open, making Smokes and Flashes even more important for certain attacks.

Meanwhile, the defense is well advised with controllers like Viper and Omen. Two controllers per team is a possible option to support the offense and not fall into an opponent’s trap – or, conversely, keep the attackers at bay. Information gathering with Cypher and Killjoy are also beneficial.

Controller agents rule the Caribbean island

Among the possible best agents for control on the broad map is Viper. After her buffs, the poison specialist not only deals more damage, but is also perfect on Breeze for sharing one of the two wide-area spots or the map center with her toxin umbrella. These options make Viper a universal weapon for spike plants and for defense.

Liquid streamer Jonas “AverageJonas” Navarsete is best known for precise lineups with Sova, but shows the power of Viper in his Twitter clip. He combines a B-Spot attack with Viper with Toxin Shield and the Poison Cloud. This variant is also useful for post-plant situations and shows how to gain control and limit the opponent’s field of vision.

One-way smokes are also possible on Breeze. With her poison cloud, Viper provides a vision advantage below the bridge in front of A, because the feet of the opponents are detected, but you yourself remain hidden.

Similarly, the One-Way Smoke also works with Cypher’s Cyber Cage. The controller can even block the hall – the only narrow corridor on the map – with a special lineup and virtually control it on its own. In general, control of the hall is important because it can be used to guard the A-Spot, which is useful both as a defender and for attackers in the After-Plant. It also minimizes flanking opportunities for the opponent.

Jett feels right at home with all that open space

The MVP on the Caribbean island of Breeze could be Jett. Because sniper rifles can dominate due to their wide vision and Jett’s quick movements make her predestined for operators, the Korean is suited as the duelist of choice. Jett can also bring her Ultimate to even better advantage and exploit air superiority for better angles.

Pro player and streamer Tyson “TenZ” Ngo shows off Jett’s flexibility on the map to catch opponents off guard. With supporting flashes, Jett can quickly gain an advantage on the map mid and gather valuable information. Accordingly, together with Viper, she is a universal weapon on Breeze.

General information about important map spots

The map middle is very wide in almost all respects. A straight view in the center is blocked by two boxes and a cylinder in the center. In addition, the area is higher towards the B-Spot and defender spawn.

There is direct access to the A-Bomb site via the Double Door. There are accesses via the tunnel and via the stairs. The A-Bomb site has not only two pyramids, but also water on the ground. When there is movement in the water, it makes noise and gives away the position. That is why it is important to take this fact into account for your own advantage or for safety. Because defending on the A spot is more difficult because of this. Also, there is little cover.

Like A, the B-Bomb site has a large area. The large window, which is similar to the one on Haven Mid, is striking. Through this window, the attackers get straight to the spot. On the B spot, there is a tower in the middle and several walls around the outside give some protection.