Is VALORANT coming to mobile in 2021? – These leaks speak for it

Valorant Mobile Leaks

Numerous hints suggest that a mobile version of VALORANT could be coming our way later this year – here’s everything we know about it so far.

Riot Games makes no secret of wanting to expand its mobile gaming activities. Last year’s release of League of Legends: Wild Rift was the first indication of this – and so it wouldn’t be a surprise if other titles from the publisher followed the mobile trend. Some solid evidence suggests that VALORANT will be next.

Is VALORANT coming to mobile this year?

The latest information about the mobile version of the first-person shooter is provided by the well-known leaker PlayerIGN. According to his sources, the game could hit the market as early as the beginning of June. On March 3, he also added the speculation that this year’s digital E3 could be the scene of the release.

News from the leak arsenal

The suspicion of a mobile VALORANT already arose towards the end of last year. The first hints of this were even found in the actual game: dataminers discovered some lines in the game codes in September that refer to a mobile version of the popular first-person shooter.

Although this reference is limited to iOS devices for the time being, it seems extremely unlikely that Riot Games should not produce an Android variant in the event. However, only iOS codes have been unearthed so far.

Another set of discovered codes relates to the combat system in a potential mobile version of the game. According to a leak, Riot Games is designing such codes, which could be another indication of a mobile game.

Was a mobile game planned from the beginning?

Shortly after the release of VALORANT in June 2020, the first supposedly unintentional leak of a mobile version occurred. Some players were shown control options on the PC or laptop that seemed to be intended for playing on tablets and the like. The bug was removed as quickly as possible, but numerous screenshots of the user interface can still be found on social media.

Valorant is Tablet Compatible!? from VALORANT

Riot Games itself did not comment on the potential mobile version of VALORANT until now. However, with the hints on the title so far, fans and mobile gamers can safely sit back and wait for June with some hope.