Jett and Sage most popular valorant agents worldwide


Jett and Sage dominate the popularity scale of VALORANT players. Both share the top position in six regions. But how do the professionals play?

The VALORANT world is dominated by the agents Jett and Sage. At least that’s what the “Global Stat Sheet” published by Riot Games on Tuesday conveys. The chart shows six regions, of which three each select Jett and Sage as top agents. The result is a draw in the duel between the two agents.

The agent Jett, who is assigned to the Duelist class, leads the field in the regions USA, Turkey and Korea. The Guardian Sage, on the other hand, is preferred in Mexico, Brazil and Russia.

Perhaps the race would have ended differently if Sage had not been generated in patch 1.07 in early September. Because afterwards there was a certain slump in the healer’s popularity.

For the professionals, however, the list looks a bit different. A statistic of the Pop Flash Ignition Series played in early September says that the Guardian Agent Cypher was the undisputed number one there and was elected in 99 percent of the matches. Second place went to Omen, a controller that is a fitting counterpart to Cypher.

Jett then ended up in third place among the professional players. The popularity of agents is constantly changing. Already with the upcoming patch next week, the top list could get mixed up again.