New map, release date and more features – All info on VALORANT Episode 5 Act 1


In VALORANT Episode 4 Act 3 will end within the next few days. Instead, a new milestone in the First Person Shooter by Riot Games begins with the eighth map, which will make a difference especially in Pro Play. There is also speculation about a new agent.

A brand new episode in VALORANT is on the horizon. Here you can find out what is known about the release date of the next section as well as the new map.

For several weeks now, Riot Games has been heating up the rumour mill around a new map. The map will have a strong influence from the sea. Several images have hinted at an aquarium that resembles the award-winning Ozenarium Lisbon. It could therefore be that the map is surrounded by water. More detailed information is expected from 16 June when the developers talk about the new episode.

The new map would be the eighth playable location in VALORANT. Once this is added to the Competitive Map Pool, it will have an impact on the pros. This is because there are only ever seven maps to choose from, so one of the established maps would have to give way.

Release date of Episode 5 Act 1

A release date for the new map is still unknown. However, it is supposed to appear during Episode 5 Act 1. Because the current Episode 4 Act 3 ends on 21 June, the launch of the brand new episode is expected for the following 22 June.

The developers of VALORANT are holding a (Twitch livestream) on Thursday evening. In this they will talk about Episode 5 Act 1 and other news in the shooter from 7pm already.

A new Battle Pass is also to be expected. So far, Riot Games has always released a 50-level pass with each new episode, offering special rewards to match the season. These include Radianite Points (PR), sprays and  weapon skins.

New agent questionable

So far there is no information about a new agent. That would also be uncharacteristically early for Riot Games. Because only in April the 19th agent was established in the FPS with the initiator Fade.

There is always speculation in the community, even if in this case without theories or proof. Only in the course of Act 1 will Riot Games show the first information in a familiar discreet manner.