New VALORANT agent Harbor – All info on the abilities


The new VALORANT agent Harbor has been introduced. We took a look at the abilities and show you what he’s got.

As you could already see from the teasers, Harbor’s abilities are all about water. He is a controller who can give his team a lot of control over the map and the enemies. In this article you will find all the information about his abilities.

C – Cascade

His Cascade ability sends a wave forward that slows enemies who come into contact with it. The wave penetrates through walls.

Q – Cove

With the Cove ability, Harbor places a shield that is impervious to bullets. It has the shape of a semicircle and bullets can penetrate neither from the outside nor from the inside. The shield lasts for about 15 seconds, but can be destroyed early on.

E – High Tide

“High Tide” places a wall of water on the map that slows down players who come into contact with it. The direction of the wall can be controlled with the cursor.

X – Reckoning

His ultimate ability “Reckoning” summons several geysers that incapacitate players in the area of effect for a short time. The Ulti casts a total of three times in quick succession.

Harbor brings a lot of map control

The controller lives up to its class. Not only does he slow down opponents with his abilities, he also provides his team with vision protection through his C and E abilities. His abilities make them

His shield could play a decisive role especially in post-plant situations. While the defending team defuses the bomb, Harbor can use his shield to shield his teammate from enemy shots while defusing.

His ultimate ability, similar to Breach’s Ulti, provides crowd control over a large area of effect. The ability can be very useful for attackers, who can thus capture a spot. But also as a defender, the ability can be very helpful in recapturing a spot.