Professionals grumble – Valorants Ranked System has these problems


Five-player lobbies, matchmaking and a young game – the ranked mode in VALORANT gets quite a bit of criticism. But what exactly is annoying the pros?
“The Ranks are so crowded with people who shouldn’t be on the Rank.”

That’s VALORANT pro Brandon “aceu” Winn’s reckoning with the ranked mode in the game.

Reason for him are the five lobbies that are matched against solo guys. Often, worse players are pulled through the match by their teammates and thus improve their rank without delivering themselves.

An experience that many other users have had as well. This is what the gamers in Reddit tell us. Even big rank differences, which are caused by five-man lobbies, are often not pleasant for the own game.

Other big names like Taimou have complained on Twitter, for example, that cheaters in the higher ranks have also become normal. Also the voice chat, which was not available or blocked for some users, is extremely annoying. For superstar Hiko, three- or four-player lobbies should be banned directly and solo players/duos should not have to play against complete teams.

A lobby around German streamers like nooky and rAx showed how long a match search can take. These could not find any opponents within an hour as a five-player lobby – just because two radiant ranks were involved.

Apparently Riot still has a lot to do.