Riot Games in mega crisis!

Mega crisis at Riot! League of Legends developer lays off more than 500 employees and has to realign its core business – employees in Berlin are also affected

Riot Games has been regarded as the eSports company par excellence since the release of League of Legends in 2009. Over the years, the company has not only grown considerably in terms of games, but the number of employees has also made a considerable leap forward and has established locations worldwide.

Apparently, however, Riot Games has now also become a victim of the ongoing recession; according to its own statement, the company has grown too quickly, while investments have not paid off – in financial terms. The company thus joins the ranks of well-known games companies that have already said goodbye or had to say goodbye to numerous employees in the past year.

More than 500 employees

In the course of the restructuring, those responsible at Riot have announced the company’s new direction. Accordingly, the focus in future will be on League of Legends, Valorant, TeamFight Tactics and League of Legends: Wild Rift. Legends of Runeterra, on the other hand, will be subject to cost-cutting measures and the number of employees will be reduced accordingly. Riot Forge, the label that has been responsible for the development of other companies in the Riot cosmos, will also be discontinued

In total, more than 500 employees have now had to take their hats off. According to our colleagues at GamesWirtschaft, employees at Riot Games’ Berlin site are also affected by the redundancies, but it is not yet clear to what extent.