Snowball fight in Valorant? Leak indicates winter mode


Riot Games permanently screws on its shooter VALORANT. After the release of Act 3, a snowball mode now seems to suggest how Leaks wants to give away.

Winter events are a tradition in online games. In CS:GO the chickens on the map like to wear little Christmas hats around Christmas.

The new VALORANT-Map Icebox already has an icy look. But the Dataminer ValorantLeaks wants to have found now a few clues, which promise a new mode: A mode with snowballs.

The leak account stumbled over the line “Tag=Modes.Snowball” in the game files for the new act. Also the terms “Bouncy”, “Growball”, “RapidFire” and “Skate” were found in the files.

A winter upgrade of the spike-rush mode seems to be an option. From Riot Games itself there was no news about the snowball system yet.

The only thing that is clear is that the developers are constantly working on new features for the game, as you could read in a blog post.