Valheim – Hearth and Home gameplay trailer introduces the new ingredients

Valheim New Ingredients


The first major content update for Valheim will be released on 16 September. With “Hearth and Home” there are new building options and the preparation of food will also be adapted.

There will be a total of ten new recipes, but there is little information about them so far. What is known, however, is that meat will be available in different variations. For example, there will be different wolf meat. Food will be divided into three categories:

  • Health (red)
  • Stamina (yellow)
  • Balanced (white)

The cooked lox meat is marked with a red fork in the trailer. So far you get 70 health and 40 stamina. With the Hearth and Home 50 health and 10 stamina.

Blood pudding can also be seen in the video: Instead of 90 health and 50 stamina, the meal only gives you 14 health and 70 stamina.