VALORANT Anti-Cheat-Error constantly kicks players out of matches


VALORANT Anti-Cheat-Error constantly kicks players out of matches

The anti-cheat program Vanguard is currently giving players a headache. It crashes frequently, causing you to be kicked out of your match.

VALORANT players are currently being kicked out of their matches in rows and it’s not their fault: The reason is crashes of the Vanguard anti-cheat. Without the program running, you cannot play VALORANT online and will be kicked from the servers.

It doesn’t help that a restart of the programme still doesn’t let you rejoin the game. For some unfortunate players, this even causes them to drop in rank due to the crashes. Streamers are also affected by this, with US-American Spencer “Hiko” Martin starting a trend on Twitter with his ironic declaration of love.

The last solution would be to reinstall the entire game. Again, there is no guarantee that everything will work properly afterwards. Riot is working on a solution, though.