VALORANT Battle Pass – How to level it up as fast as possible


With a new Act in VALORANT always comes a new Battle Pass from Riot Games. We show you how to complete it quickly in order to get all the rewards.

The VALORANT Battle Pass is once again packed with new and exciting rewards. To make sure you get them all, you should try to complete your pass quickly. And to help you do that, we’ve put together a few tips here.

Daily and Weekly Missions

In VALORANT, as in many other games, there are daily and weekly missions. These may include tasks that you already complete through normal play, such as using a certain number of skills. However, there are also missions that you need to pay a little more active attention to. “Do eight kills with an opponent’s weapon,” you might have to do a little more deliberately.

These missions give you a lot of experience points. The daily quests usually reward you with 2,000 XP. From the weekly quests you can get 8,000 to 12,000 points. This alone can help you tremendously in completing your Battle Pass, which is why you should not ignore the missions.

The best game mode to grind experience points

In a fast Spike Rush round you can collect a lot of experience points. You can also complete your quests quickly in this mode. So in a short game mode, it might be easier to complete a mission in which you have to reach a certain number of matches.

But even better than short spike rush rounds, are normal or ranked games. This is because you get 100 XP per round and an additional 200 XP if you win a round. This means that especially long games are actually the most rewarding. It’s really all about the rounds, especially many kills bring rather less. This means that you should rather concentrate on winning the games than on collecting killstreaks.

So if you want to find the perfect sequence for completing your Battle Pass, you should warm up with a few Spike Rush rounds instead of going to the practice area. Ideally, you’ll complete a few missions while you’re at it. Once you feel ready, you can play some normal or ranked games. Try to keep your tasks from the missions in mind. The most important thing for your experience points is to win.