VALORANT Premier enters beta again – All info and dates!


The tournament mode of VALORANT goes into the second beta round. Once again, you can compete against others with your team over several weeks and even win small prizes.

The first beta phase of the VALORANT tournament mode Premier took place in April. In July, the mode will enter its second test phase and you will once again be able to compete with your friends against various opponents on your rank.

VALORANT Premier Beta
– When does it start? The second Premier Beta phase officially starts on 20 July. Before that, however, you have one week to register for the mode with your team. The Premier Beta is therefore divided into the following phases: Start of registration phase: 11 July Start of weekly matches: 20 July Playoff tournament: 13 August.

VALORANT Premier Beta – These changes are available

During the first beta, there was some harsh criticism from the players who tested the mode.

The main criticism was that the team divisions did not make sense. This had created unbalanced match-ups that were barely playable for some teams.

Another point of criticism, which came particularly from the American area, was the times for which the matches were scheduled. Some working people were not able to participate in the tournament mode because the matches simply took place too early.

Riot Games has taken the criticism of the first testers to heart, at least in part.

According to (ValorLeaks) the following points were revised for the second beta:

  • Improvements in the creation of teams
  • Regional adjustments to match schedules
  • New live scores in play-off matches
  • New format for the play-offs

But a timeout feature, which (was often requested by the community), does not exist yet.

But since this is still a test phase, it is not impossible that Riot Games will gradually add more features to the mode.