Minecraft: What is the Education Edition? Everything about the download, price and how to use it


Learn with Minecraft at school or university: The Education Edition makes it possible. We explain what’s behind it and where you can download it.

When you read Minecraft, the first thing that comes to mind is probably pretty houses or huge replicas like Middle Earth from The Lord of the Rings. However, Minecraft can also serve as an active learning environment in which topics such as biology, mathematics, programming or space exploration are dealt with.

This is made possible by the so-called Minecraft: Education Edition, which was developed especially for educational institutions such as schools and universities. For this reason, it has a few special features and requires a special purchase. We will tell you where you can get the Education Edition and what advantages it offers.

All information about the Education Edition of Minecraft

What is Minecraft: Education Edition?

The idea of an Education Edition of Minecraft goes back to the teacher Joel Levin, who already used the block game in class in 2011. This subsequently led to a collaboration with other teachers and ultimately to MinecraftEdu, a heavily modified version of Minecraft for use in schools. In 2016, Microsoft took over the development and created the Education Edition, while at the same time work on MinecraftEdu was discontinued.

Since 1 November 2016, the Minecraft: Education Edition is now the reference point for teachers, professors and other educators who want to use Minecraft in their subjects. With its features, the Education Edition is specifically geared towards teaching in classrooms, offering ready-made lessons for different age levels and also the possibility to create your own themed worlds.

For a glimpse of the Education Edition and its possibilities, watch the following trailer:

(Click here to Download Minecraft:Education Edition)

Important: In order to use the Education Edition, you must have an Office 365 Education Account from Microsoft. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the features of the special Minecraft version.

Costs: How much is the Education Edition?

The download of the Education Edition is free in and of itself. However, without a valid licence, the game can only be started ten times. After that, access is deactivated until a licence is purchased?

The prices for the Education Edition vary greatly. Microsoft offers three different options:

  • Direct purchase: Teachers at schools and universities can purchase an individual licence for their institution. The costs amount to 4 euros per year for each user. Schools and other educational institutions that already have a licence for Office 365 may even already have a licence for the Education Edition included.
  • Volume licence: Educational institutions can also purchase a special volume licence from Microsoft. The price for this will be clarified in consultation with an appropriate Microsoft representative.
  • Camps, clubs and other organisations: For a licence away from traditional educational institutions, 10 Euros per year will be charged for each user.

Download: Where can I get the Education Edition?

The Education Edition of Mincraft can only be downloaded from a special Microsoft website. The version is offered for the following platforms:

  • PC: Windows 7 and above
  • Chromebook: As of Chrome OS 83
  • Mac: As of High Sierra 10.13
  • iPad: As of iOS 11

From Windows 10, the Education Edition can also be downloaded and installed via the Windows Store. On the consoles, however, the version is not available.

(Many skins are already included in the Education Edition and can be freely selected.)
(Many skins are already included in the Education Edition and can be freely selected.)

More information about the individual licences and the corresponding purchase options can be found on the (Education page of Minecraft).

What can the Minecraft: Education Edition do?

Although the Education Edition looks like the normal Minecraft at first glance, it offers many more functions at its core that are specifically for teaching content. Among others, the following features are offered:

  • About 600 different lessons adapted to different curricula. Alternatively, your own lessons can be written and published.
  • Tutorials for teachers and students: Special worlds and lessons that simplify the introduction to the Education Edition.
  • Simplified multiplayer mode: Up to 30 students can work together on learning activities without having to set up their own server.
  • Camera and Portfolio: Students can capture their learning with an in-game camera and save it to albums.
  • Secure Student Login: Each student will receive their own login details, which should guarantee more privacy and security from Microsoft.
  • Certificates: Students and teachers can earn special certificates after successfully completing lessons and even optionally print them.
  • Interactive NPCs: Non-player characters can be used to display instructions, explanations and further information in the game.
  • Chemistry Pack: Special game elements such as a laboratory table or an element structure can be used in the Education Edition.
  • Programming Function: First experiences with programming languages like Python can be made in the Education Edition.
  • Further special commands with which teachers can customise the respective game world.

You can find even more information about the individual features in the so far English-only FAQ on the Minecraft website

Are there any examples of how to use the Education Edition?

Yes, there are. Firstly, of course, in the Education Edition itself. Once you are logged in, you will find various menu items that offer very different possibilities. For example, there are worlds that deal with topics such as cyber security, the journey through space and time or climate change.

The possibilities of the Education Edition are quite diverse. In addition, teachers can use the tools to create their own lessons and worlds and share them with the entire world.

What do you think about Minecraft as an interactive learning experience in the classroom or university? Do you find versions like the Education Edition a promising approach and have you perhaps already had experience with it? Feel free to let us know in the comments!