WoW Classic: Cataclysm coming in the first half of 2024


At Blizzcon, Blizzard revealed news about the upcoming Cataclysm add-on for WoW: Classic and also announced initial information about the Season of Discovery

World of Warcraft: Classic is a perennial favorite for Blizzard, so it comes as no surprise that Blizzard has announced the third add-on for the alternative gaming experience for its MMO giant at the current BlizzCon. Cataclysm is set to be released in the first half of 2024.

World-shaking – also in Classic

As you can more than guess from the cinematic trailer above, the world of Azeroth will also be shaken by the dragon Deathwing in the Classic version of the add-on. When you wake up in this new world with your heroes or warriors, it’s done: Wrath of the Lich King Classic has come to an end and Cataclysm Classic is the new reality.

What’s new? There are said to be a few changes that have been made based on player feedback. But Blizzard has yet to reveal exactly what. Until then, enjoy the familiar, still intact world and prepare for the coming disaster

Season of Discovery

On November 30th the Season of Discovery will start in WoW Classic. Similar to the Seasons of Mastery on fresh realms, this will give you the opportunity to experience World of Warcraft: Classic in a new way

For example, the following new features will be waiting for you when you create your fresh character:

  • New roles, such as mage healers or tank warlocks.
  • A fresh 10-player raid: Blackfathom Deeps, including new bosses, mechanics and rewards.
  • An initial level cap of 25, which will increase over the following months.
  • A new endgame that grows with the cap.
  • New secrets to discover in Azeroth.

There will be no public testing of this content and changes in advance.

How do you like the two WoW Classic announcements? Do they offer what you were hoping for? Or do you think Blizzard could have stopped at Wrath of the Lich King and left the experience there forever? What else should be tackled in Classic? Let us know your wishes and ideas in the comments!